10 pound challenge for January



  • Started Jan. 7th Down 4lbs my first week. Haven't started an exercise program yet, but definitely plan to. Trying to focus on one thing right now, eating the right foods, next week i will start working out.
  • kitsilana
    kitsilana Posts: 50 Member
    Ok, Friday weigh-in time for me:

    Starting Weight: 187.83 (Jan 3rd)
    Jan 9th: 186.07
    Current Weight: 186.73 (Jan 16th)

    Not a good week for me :(
    Today is the start of another one though.

  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Saturday weigh in ... down 12.5 lbs in Jan ... goodbye Christmas cakes & cookies!
  • Down another 1.8lbs this week. Also lost 1/4" off my waist and underbust. Nothing off my hips yet really though. That's where I need it most. If I continue at this rate I will have lost around 8lbs in january. If I had started on the 1st instead of 5th I would've had a better chance at meeting the goal. Not giving up though!
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    I am down 8.8 pounds in 16 days!
  • Sharonfernz
    Sharonfernz Posts: 1 Member
    Starting today - aiming for 2lbs by Jan 27 :)
  • That's amazing notcorky! What all have you been doing? Can I ask your stats just for comparision? Keep up the great work everyone!
  • mitchell_212
    mitchell_212 Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2015
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    I have one more pound to go!

    Pope - I'm 38, barely reach 5'5 height-wise, and I'm a size 12/14. Doing very low carb (under 20 a day) and staying away from alcohol. I try to exercise everyday - mostly cardio but am starting to introduce light weight/resistance training.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    I joined but forgot to post my weigh-in. I started at 199, on January 6th. I'm now 193. I'm trying to exercise more. Ohio weather makes it tough to run outside but I workout to DVD's indoors. My biggest change, however, is not consistent exercise - it's trying to adopt healthy eating habits. I lowered my daily goal (it was set to maintain weight, instead of lose weight) and no longer count calories lost due to nursing. I am also now using a Fitbit and avoiding fast food, chocolate, alcohol and sugar. The biggest temptation is the sugar and I do have a little but find that my cravings are under control when I cut it out completely. Good luck everyone! This is a great challenge. I don't think I'll make it but I hope to be close and continue after January.
  • pink427
    pink427 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in for 10 pounds! Hopefully by April when I go to Mexico!
  • I'm in! messgage me? (my app doesn't let me)
  • Weekly weigh in...only lost a pound this week but my measurements went down a decent amount. Lost right around 3/4" each in from my hips, waist and underbust. I was trying really hard to do one of the 30 day squat challenges but got off track this weekend. Plus I don't think I'll be able to do 175 in a day so quickly. My knee doesn't like it so much lol. I'm going to try to keep doing at least 50 a day though. Some is better than nothing :)
  • mitchell_212
    mitchell_212 Posts: 24 Member
    Getting close to the end of the month! Can't wait to see everyone's before and after weights!! :)
  • mitchell_212
    mitchell_212 Posts: 24 Member
    It's the first here in Australia
    Starting weight 99kgs
    End of month 91.5kgs :)
    About 15lbs :) yay!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited February 2015
    Down 12.5 lbs for the month!
    Now to tackle the rest ... but at a pace more like 5 lbs per month over the next three months.
  • I lost 6 lbs from Jan 5th through today. My goal when I started back up on the 5th was to loose somewhere between 10 and 20 lbs. I don't have an end date in mind for it, just to have a steady loss. When I was logging faithfully before I stopped loosing at around 145. My goal right now is another 7 to 10 lbs. Gonna keep doing my best!