Looking for dieters alike, who need support, My support system isnt the best when on a diet boo!



  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there,
    So good to see this cheer up thing! Can I add you all ? :)

    you can add me! :smiley:

  • yeah corse :)
  • You can add me, also! I'm new to this deal, and could use the support, too!
  • myra2003
    myra2003 Posts: 3 Member
    You could add me because I really need it too
  • add me...i need it too
  • You can add me I'm trying to maintain
    My weight as well and gain muscle mass

  • millzy64
    millzy64 Posts: 50 Member
    In the same boat myself. Lost 50 lbs (some of it before starting MFP) and now having trouble keeping it off after a couple of years. Maintaining is difficult. I need to drop the 10 lbs I gained over the holidays and just can't seem to keep on track. Very difficult when you're the only one in the house trying to eat right. I could use some motivation as well so feel free to add me. I'm not a gym person. I like hiking and bicycling. The winter is really tough.
  • nicoleambersumpter
    nicoleambersumpter Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me! - open diary - 5 stone lost :)
  • aah will do guys :) wow you guys have done amazing !!!!! xxx
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    I also need friends who log daily and have the last 10 lbs.
  • AllegraAlyce
    AllegraAlyce Posts: 23 Member
    I just need people to stop offering me delicious foods all the time. People bond over food. When I'm dieting I feel left out.