Looking to find some support in my weight gain journey

i have been underweight all of my adult life. My BMI is currently 13 something. I never worried about my weight until the last couple of years, when I lost about 10 pounds and people began to comment more often, disabling my self-esteem.
A little background- I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and a Marfanoid body type. Have had lung surgery for a frequently collapsing lung and an assortment of other health issues, including poor gut motility. My appetite is poor and eating is a chore. I have been using Ensure and smoothies to try to prevent any further weight loss, as liquids tend to sit better.
Let me just be clear that I do not suffer from anorexia or bulimia. I have no desire to lose weight and would love to hit a normal weight for my height, which is 5'8". Being this underweight is seriously unhealthy and I want to live to a ripe old age. I do not look in the mirror and see a false image of myself- rather, I am only too aware of how I look.
Just wondering if there are any people out there facing the same challenges who might need some support along the way. I would love to have someone to challenge and encourage me, and vice versa.


  • best of luck with your goals mate, as a skinny guy myself who always thought i couldnt gain i feel your pain, thankfully i dont have any health issues, i just couldnt eat enough....im doing quite well at the moment and have gained approx 12kg in the past year or so.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'm not sure if supplements would be digested well, but there are things that would likely work better than ensure for gaining weight. There are lots of things like mass gainers that have 1000 calories in a shake you drink. You can also make your own and add oats, full fat dairy, peanut butter, fruit, etc.

    Have you tried talking to a nutritionist that specializes in medical disorders such as gut mobility issues and other medical conditions? Perhaps they'd have an idea of what is tolerated better.
  • RNwriter1969
    RNwriter1969 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I have recently had testing done, which revealed grossly abnormal motility and have also seen a dietician, who basically told me what I already know about which foods to eat. I know what I should be eating- I just don't feel like eating. I have no appetite and often feel bad after I eat, so it's hard to stay motivated even when it is in my best interests.
    your point about supplements is valid- there are better supplements I could be taking. Maybe I need to research a better supplement.
    Thanks to both of you for replying. I appreciate it!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Also, maybe things you do enjoy eating or drinking, try focusing on those. Fruit juice can have a lot of calories, as does full fat milk. Good luck on dealing with your medical issues, and I hope it gets better for you!
  • RNwriter1969
    RNwriter1969 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, I appreciate your response. I have been drinking a lot of milkshakes with whole milk and fresh fruit and yogurt- seems to sit well. They are very filling, so I can't have them too close to meals but they do have lots of calories!
  • onitap5
    onitap5 Posts: 13
    I definitely see where you're coming from. I've been under weight my entire life too. I'm 5' and have always gained 83-87 lbs. I always thought is was due to an extremely fast metabolism. Recently I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. It affects people differently, and in my case it prevents my body from properly absorbing nutrients to maintain a healthy life. I have to eat 3,000 calories a day just to float around 87 lbs.

    My goal weight is 105-115 depending on what feels right to my body.

    We can do this! It won't be easy, but it's not impossible! We just have to take baby steps and focus on our goal!
  • RNwriter1969
    RNwriter1969 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm interested in talking more about your diagnosis. CF is something I've wondered about but thought my doctor would poo-poo, but I know more and more people are being diagnosed later with a milder form of the disease. I've had lung surgery for a lung that collapsed multiple times. I am 5'8" and weigh 86 pounds at present. It seems I need to eat way more than the average person to gain weight and severe constipation has been a lifelong problem (not to be too graphic).
    Would love to hear more of your story. We could email privately if you are interested.
  • veronicaayala
    veronicaayala Posts: 2 Member
    Same goes for me. I would love to hear more about the cystic fibrosis. I am a 21 year old female that weighs around 83-85. I am 4'11. I have been constipated a lot last year and this year and my sister who is a nurse told me I might have diabetes and is sure I am anemic. I also been having random sharp pain under my left breast everytime I breath in. And it's not anything I do specific to make it do that. I just don't want to go to the doctor without knowing what it could possibly be to tell them what they need to test for. Would love to hear back from you. Thanks.
  • RNwriter1969
    RNwriter1969 Posts: 6 Member
    Start by having a complete physical, which will include standard blood tests which will easily rule out anemia or diabetes. Explain your concerns and symptoms- your doc will know how to proceed from there based on symptoms, your history etcetera. A complete physical is a good starting place.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I'm interested in talking more about your diagnosis. CF is something I've wondered about but thought my doctor would poo-poo, but I know more and more people are being diagnosed later with a milder form of the disease. I've had lung surgery for a lung that collapsed multiple times. I am 5'8" and weigh 86 pounds at present. It seems I need to eat way more than the average person to gain weight and severe constipation has been a lifelong problem (not to be too graphic).
    Would love to hear more of your story. We could email privately if you are interested.

    If it suits you, add a table spoon or two of oil or fat in your milk shake. It adds calories and can aid in motility.
    Sometimes people who cannot eat can mange by preparing and having readily available snacks to eat through out the day.
  • elfman5150
    elfman5150 Posts: 116 Member
    I can attest to the help of fats when it comes to constipation. I used to struggle with it as well, but after upping my fat intake and getting over the rubbish that fats (especially saturated) are bad for me, I saw a huge improvement. I highly recommend coconut oil - there's so much research as to it's benefits, and it tastes so good with everything. I'll add it to coffee, oatmeal, shakes, etc.
    Good luck!
  • macelmer
    macelmer Posts: 55 Member
    I too am trying to gain weight, but for a different reason than most of the folks in this forum. I have an IBD disease called Crohn's Disease (google it if you never heard of it). I have a hard time gaining and maintaining because I have a severe case and am almost out of treatment options at 36 years old. When I am flaring I like to drink my calories because I find that this way I do not have to face whole foods. Just a thought.
  • It seems that you have the money to run tests. Being so underweighted you may go for parasites, food intolerances, gastrointestinal health (digestive enzimes, bacteria and all the crap) and thyroid, but with a good laboratory, you can't find thyroid problems in normal blood tests until is really *kitten* up.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    It seems that you have the money to run tests. Being so underweighted you may go for parasites, food intolerances, gastrointestinal health (digestive enzimes, bacteria and all the crap) and thyroid, but with a good laboratory, you can't find thyroid problems in normal blood tests until is really *kitten* up.

    But they already have a diagnosis. No point throwing good money away.
  • Ahavamy4
    Ahavamy4 Posts: 2 Member
    I too have EDS, along with GI and cardiac issues. I found making smoothies with fruit, veges, and kefir has helped me get the nutrients and fiber I need while maintaining a predominantly liquid diet, and the kefir adds probiotics. Best of luck to all!
  • Ahavamy4
    Ahavamy4 Posts: 2 Member
    I forgot to mention. High calorie foods are great, but I had to watch concentrated fats, oils, etc. as they slowed my GI motility and decreased my appetite. It can be difficult to find what works for you, again, good luck!
  • Protein shakes are really good, with high calorie ingredients. And they don't taste bad at all!!! If u can get in 2 a day, that's 2,000 alone with the shakes. I started this diet yest. 2mx2f96r83cx.jpg
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How is that a diet?
  • manefaroberts
    manefaroberts Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I have recently had testing done, which revealed grossly abnormal motility and have also seen a dietician, who basically told me what I already know about which foods to eat. I know what I should be eating- I just don't feel like eating. I have no appetite and often feel bad after I eat, so it's hard to stay motivated even when it is in my best interests.
    your point about supplements is valid- there are better supplements I could be taking. Maybe I need to research a better supplement.
    Thanks to both of you for replying. I appreciate it!
    Hey I'm in the same boat as far as a poor appetite a friend of mine advised me to start taking apetimne appetite enhancer syrup from the Caribbean and I promise you it will builld your appetite up like no other they usually give it to people that suffer with anorexia I know you don't suffer from that neither do I but it's an appetite enhancer opened up your appetite to eat eat eat eat so go to amazon.com look up apetimne its like 20 dollars 40 for like 3 and try that out I'm 59 126 pounds so I know how it feels but this stuff is God's gift