
I used this site a while ago but didn't join in any community discussions. I didn't do well either. So, I've decided to try again and try out the community discussions. I really need to do better this time around and make a permanent change in my life. I would love to join in with a group or an individual who needs support.


  • Vinternacht
    Vinternacht Posts: 3 Member
    I too joined last year with limited success. I didn't join a group or have a buddy but really would like to give it a go this time. Are you up for it?
  • joyroszel
    joyroszel Posts: 3 Member
    sure, I'll help you if you help me :) We can be successful together! Joy
  • hollyberry6182
    hollyberry6182 Posts: 345 Member
    Oooh joy, this is such a familiar story. I've been on for over a year and keep dipping in and out of MFT. I've just discovered the community section on this. I'm determined at the moment to keep going. i am only 2 weeks in.
  • joyroszel
    joyroszel Posts: 3 Member
    :smile: if I don't succeed this time my Dr. is putting me on medication for high cholesterol, and I don't want to take the meds. So, I'm really trying to do right. I'm looking at a life style change and reading about the DASH diet. Which is mostly vegetables and fruit with a small amount of meat and nuts/beans. So we shall see what happens.