having a baby is my motivation

aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
My name is Ariel. I am 22 years old. I recently started my weight loss journey about a week and a half ago. My starting weight was 253lbs. I did a weigh in exactly a week after starting and i weighed in at 248.2lbs. So in just a week I have lost 4.8 lbs. I love myfitnesspal because it helps me stay in control of what i eat. I have no self control so counting my calories definitely disciplines me. My whole purpose of losing weight is so that my fiancé and I can have a baby. We have been trying for a few years with no luck. I went to the doctor and she told me to try and lose about 50lbs and then try to get pregnant. So i am starting my journey. I would love to be pregnant by May so i could surprise my fiance for his birthday in June. I would love to hear feedback from people and maybe some diet and exercise tips. I need some supporters. So please help me :)


  • orngcure
    orngcure Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ariel. Not that I have much advice to give you but I just wanted to say that I was in the same spot as you a few years ago. When my Dr suggested I loose weight to help get pregnant I was intimidated by it. Luckily just eating better helped and I was only down 15 lbs when I got pregnant. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    What a great motivator to get healthy! Sounds like you've done awesome your first week or so and I hope you continue on this journey. I've also found that counting calories really keeps me in check. I'm new to this too (started January 1st), but my best advice is to be patient with your weight loss, as long as you stick to the plan, you will lose weight.
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    Sounds brilliant. Be patient and keep eating healthy. Will do you good in the long run during pregnancy too. Good luck
  • aseeser92
    aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
    orngcure wrote: »
    Hi Ariel. Not that I have much advice to give you but I just wanted to say that I was in the same spot as you a few years ago. When my Dr suggested I loose weight to help get pregnant I was intimidated by it. Luckily just eating better helped and I was only down 15 lbs when I got pregnant. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)

    That really gives me hope :). Thank you so much!!!

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Sounds like you're motivated, and for a great reason.

    I've always been thin and fit when I've got pregnant (I have 3 children) and I've always conceived really quickly. I do gain in pregnancy though, no matter what I do, but it comes off in a year or so of hard work! Worth it though.

    My youngest is 8 months and I still have around 28lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight.

    Tips...exercise lots and include strength training. I know some people say you don't need to exercise, but I find it helps loads, plus being fit really helps with labour and giving birth. I've had all 3 of mine with just gas and air and didn't need stitches, and was home a few hours later with my 2nd and 3rd.
    I find varying exercise is great too as you never get bored. I do PT sessions, spinning, step, kettlebells class, core stability class, aerobics etc.
    Diet - don't eat too few calories or you'll get hungry and end up bingeing. Eat lots of protein. Allow yourself a treat every now and again.

    You're very welcome to add me. I've logged for 930 days or something, so you can get some ideas from my diary.
  • dinglehopper14
    dinglehopper14 Posts: 48 Member
    Go you! Feel free to add me. I started my weight loss journey after I had my baby boy. Started at 250 and I'm now 217! Congratulations for starting your journey.
  • SherrieBee71
    SherrieBee71 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there. I am new in here but not to trying to conceive. My ex and I tried for years for a child. I was finally diagnosed w/ PCOS. Long story short, dropping 20lbs plus 1500 mg of metformin and 150 mg of Clomid did the trick. At 44 (next month) I am the mother of an awesome 7 yr old son :)
  • princessariane
    princessariane Posts: 9 Member
    Trying to conceive as well. Started last Jan at 240, doc said to lose 20 lbs and was 200 by July and stayed there for the last couple months (got very slack with my logging). Nothing's happened yet, but still trying again this year to get down another 50 or so. Went back to logging - it really truly makes a difference. And I have a fitbit zip - motivation to move!
  • aseeser92
    aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there. I am new in here but not to trying to conceive. My ex and I tried for years for a child. I was finally diagnosed w/ PCOS. Long story short, dropping 20lbs plus 1500 mg of metformin and 150 mg of Clomid did the trick. At 44 (next month) I am the mother of an awesome 7 yr old son :)

    That is great! I really want to do the weight loss 1st before i try any meds.

  • aseeser92
    aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
    Trying to conceive as well. Started last Jan at 240, doc said to lose 20 lbs and was 200 by July and stayed there for the last couple months (got very slack with my logging). Nothing's happened yet, but still trying again this year to get down another 50 or so. Went back to logging - it really truly makes a difference. And I have a fitbit zip - motivation to move!

    That is great! I hope you will get that positive pregnancy test soon :). Rooting for you!!!

  • ljx81
    ljx81 Posts: 2 Member
    In the same boat, husband and I have been trying but doc said to try and lose weight to see if that helps. Good luck to you!
  • pbrown003
    pbrown003 Posts: 5 Member
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    Hi there. I am new in here but not to trying to conceive. My ex and I tried for years for a child. I was finally diagnosed w/ PCOS. Long story short, dropping 20lbs plus 1500 mg of metformin and 150 mg of Clomid did the trick. At 44 (next month) I am the mother of an awesome 7 yr old son :)

    That is great! I really want to do the weight loss 1st before i try any
  • pbrown003
    pbrown003 Posts: 5 Member
  • jjkerel
    jjkerel Posts: 4 Member
    Ariel, Hi! I am in the same boat. I weigh around 250, have pcos and am trying to concieve with my husband...we have been trying/not preventing anything for the last 6 years but have not fertility treatments because we were both students. I am working on losing the weight and trying and, if we arent sucessful, trying clomid. Add me as a friend if youd like, Ive already lost 10lbs (
  • fun_girly
    fun_girly Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ariel I have PCOS currently weigh around 280 I am trying to lose weight to be considered for clomid again ( I have a 7 yr old conceived after losing weight previously although I was not as heavy to start with so had less weight to lose) add me if you want..I need the motivation!
  • seaofthesun14
    seaofthesun14 Posts: 12 Member
    It is also my motivation.
  • AShrinkingIWillGo
    AShrinkingIWillGo Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    Me too!! Currently in the 270s. Also have PCOS. Have not been preventing for 6 years... Been trying since we got married over two years ago, and the last year with treatments (Clomid and Femara). Still not ovulating. Next steps are injectables or ovarian drilling (may have scar tissue from a previous surgery to remove a couple VERY large cysts from my ovaries, which ended up removing a tube as well.) At wits end with it all. Also working towards fostering/adopting classes. Ultimately, I'd like to do BOTH, but am about ready to throw in the towel.

    Best of luck to all of you!!!
  • ackerman77
    ackerman77 Posts: 15 Member
    I wish you all the luck in the world. Fingers crossed for u x
  • tonyamccabe
    tonyamccabe Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ariel!
    I'm new to my fitness pal too. Started on January 18th. I am also looking to loose weight and get healthier for when I do get pregnant. I'm giving myself a year or two to loose the weight before trying to conceive though. Would love to connect and support each other!
  • livb528
    livb528 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am starting at 260 lbs wanting to get down to at the very least 190-200 by the end of the year. I am hoping to get pregnant again next year. We can encourage each other!