Sweating for the wedding!

mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone! I've dabbled with this app for a couple years now but I've only recently started using it regularly.

My name is Megan, I'm 21 years old, and my ultimate goal is to lose 40 pounds. However, I'm getting married in 7 months (August 22nd) and I want to lose AT LEAST 20 by then. My biggest issue is I have such poor self-control when it comes to sweets!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and making this happen!


  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm 5'4" and currently 175lbs.
  • rachelchase40
    rachelchase40 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Megan!
    I'm Rachel, I am getting married in October. I'm 18 now but will be 19 by the time I get married, I have 30.8 lbs left to lose (I've lost 29.2 lbs so far!) I started losing before I was engaged as did my fiance but i would like to be at my goal weight or super close by the wedding. Self-control can be a really hard thing to deal with but I have learned that you have to find balance and you can't feel like you're restricting yourself from anything. If you want something sweet and know it will turn into a binge later on, go on and eat it just log it and move on. It is better to eat it then than to binge on it later. But if you feel you don't need it, tell yourself no and just move on, don't get hung up on it. You have to find the right balance of telling yourself no or having a little bit, logging it, and moving on. You've got this! I will send you a friend request so we can do this together :)
  • tonib496
    tonib496 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Megan! I am Toni. I too am getting married and just started this app. Our big day is 9/19. On January first I weighed in at 208. I was able to lose 7 lbs in two weeks just by cutting out junk food. I am also 5'4", so I know how you feel. I also love sweets, but have managed to stay away from them for 20 days!! I keep imagining my wedding day and that is my inspiration! Best of luck to you!!!!!
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Toni and Rachel!

    I'm glad to have you both here! I need to learn control over the sweets and I'm getting better.

    I also forgot to mention that I just had heart surgery 7 weeks ago. Due to that, I am still limited on some of the exercising I can do (cardio is fine, but weights is out for a while longer) so I really need to get my butt into gear with the nutrition aspect.

    I hope you both have wonderful success!
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    I'm already happily married, and I wish you all the best!

    I am sweating for a wedding too though, my cousin is getting married in August and I'm a bridesmaid.

    You ladies got this!!!! :)

    Add me if you like.
  • MizzzFit
    MizzzFit Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ladies! Im Nicole & getting married May 21st in Mexico.
    I'm not so worried about the dress as much as I am friends and family seeing me in a bikini! I'm on a mission to tone tone tone! losing around 10 lbs would be nice too ;)

    We got this!
  • MizzzFit
    MizzzFit Posts: 11 Member
    Forgot to mention I'm addicted to chocolate! hahah so when I have a sweet craving I eat 1 date. They are super sweet and all natural so better than eating anything in my cupboards I figure.
  • xtinalee17
    xtinalee17 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Ladies- My wedding is in 3 months and MFP has been great so far. I am hoping to loose 20 more lbs by then having lost 30 already. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on your engagement. Its mind over matter. If you want to be rockin' that dress out 20 pounds less, then the sweets will not be as important to you. Put up a pic and your goals when those cravings hit!!!
    you can do it!!!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats to all the brides to be !
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey everyone :smile: I'm also getting married in Barcelona on 22nd September, basically I need to be in bikini shape for it! I've got 52lbs to lose as I'm currently 204lbs. Just got back on the wagon so will need all the encouragement out there! I suppose I should mention that we're planning to try and conceive after the wedding so I want to be healthy for that!
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    So good to see I'm not alone! Everyone who hasn't, please feel free to add me as a friend! We can all do this together!
  • DianeC7
    DianeC7 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm happily married but we are renewing our vows 9-19-15. I need to lose at least 30 lbs by then or close to it. I already had the big wedding with the dress, this time just our kids, grandchildren and close family and friends. I'm looking forward to wearing a some what sexy dress. Good Luck to every one!!!