
hi all

I'm looking for some motivation looking for people who are or where around the 270lbs make who has dropped down to about 220lbs

Just trying to find out what sort of excerise you done an what ur diet was like

ATM my diet consists of a protein shake for breki a protien shake for dinner and a healthy meal for evening meal consuming a total or around 1200 calories a day with excerise 3 times a week is this any good or do I need to change something

Any help would be great thanks in advance


  • dbosh
    dbosh Posts: 40 Member
    I have a couple of thoughts on your topic. I started at 308 and am down to around 255 with a goal of around 225. It is a work in progress. The only thing that has worked for me is total accountability and trust in the website. I have the most success when I diligently log all of my food intake and my exercise and balance that with eating back my exercise calories. I find it hard to believe that you will do well sticking to 1200 calories, I would think that your body would need more than that to avoid going into a protection mode and slowing your metabolism. Exercise is the key, so find something that works for you and stick with it. Eat back your exercise calories. Be truthful with yourself and you will see awesome results. As I said, I started at 308 last fall and have recently began running a weekly 5K at the gym. Send a friend request if would like to keep up the encouragement. Enjoy your progress.
  • kellyjmac
    kellyjmac Posts: 6
    Hi there,

    My husband and I started this journey in January. He was 273 in January. He is currently 227. He does not track his calorie intake on MFP like I do but has been very diligent and if I had to guess he eats approx 1500 calories a day (not counting exercise calories) ; special K and milk for breakfast, a sandwich and fruit for lunch and a low calorie meal for dinner. He fills in the gaps with fruit or another low calorie snack. We eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and only eat red meat once a week. For exercise he started with walking 3-4 times a week and has moved to running and recently completed his first 5k. We exercise at least 5 days a week now) Just good ol' diet and exercise. He went from wearing a 40 to a 36 pants and from 2xl shirts to xl shirts. I hope this is helpful.
  • Jenn2020
    Jenn2020 Posts: 2 Member
    so far I have dropped a total of 38lbs. I started last year and dropped 10lbs just doing water aerobics. I finally started to move towards land aerobics, although it took me longer to get into it since I have fibromyalgia and it is more painful, but I am able to finish classes. I started a program at the gym, but the main thing I got out of it, was the my fitness pal. Well I get a lot out of it. I work out at six days a week. I am not the best eater, but it has stopped my binging. I am only at I lost the 28lbs since I started the program in February and I just hit a lull these past two weeks. My first lull. I cycle, do body combat, water aerobics, circuit training, running, elliptical and zumba. (all these classes may be called something different at your gym) As long as I stay within my calorie intake I seem to be losing, what I should be losing. I usually eat special K for breakfast or oatmeal, a shake for lunch and then something for dinner. The days you work out, you are supposed to make up the calories you eat, healthy wise of course. Going based on what our trainer has told us, our group works out at least five to six days a week. I try to change my workout so I am not doing the same thing and I am confusing my body into working harder. It helps when my trainer busts my butt to. But even on the days she doesn't, the classes I take really does. I would try adding on more days of working out, and make sure you are eating more foods on those days. See what happens good luck
  • mfarmt10
    mfarmt10 Posts: 21
    Thanks for the advice guys think I will try to get my calorie intake up a bit more on traingin days
  • MasterSpater
    MasterSpater Posts: 18 Member
    I'm exactly where you're at right now in my weight loss journey.

    Honestly, eat more than what you're trying to achieve. It's going to be difficult to obtain the nutrition you actually require with 1200 calories/day. Around where we are at even upping your NET intake to 1800 cals/day (MINIMUM 1500) is going to give you amazing results.

    I'm not a nutritionist nor a doctor. This is what's been working for me
  • mfarmt10
    mfarmt10 Posts: 21
    What was ur starting weight and current weight I see it shows u lost 71lbs how long has it taken u

    What sort of excercise u been doing looking at jetting that c25k app and join up for a 5k race in august time

    So I got something to motivate me
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