Is this normal ?

2weeks into sl 5x5 already and loving the new sense of strength and power coming out of it..however .. my body is buzing so much after a session that its keeping me awake .. i workout about 6hrs before i go home to bed to sleep but after about an hour i'm wide awake again and my body is buzzing like mad.. i can feel the worked areas doing whatever it is theyre doing..
IS this normal ? .. will it stop ? cant go on like this indefinitely as no sleep is inevitably going to end in a disaster at some point.

Any idea would be welcomed ..


  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    Is it abnormal for you? Then it is abnormal. If it's muscular, I'd suggest magnesium supplements may assist.

    There's a lot of literature out there over things you can do to try and get your body to settle (sleep hygiene, keeping cool, eating less in the evening, blah blah blah), but ultimately if it's really affecting you that badly the best person to see is probably your doctor.
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    I work out in the morning for this reason. The plus side of my 3:30am workouts is that I have the entire gym to myself!!
  • kimpar2
    I wonder... endorphin rush? It is possible for people to get addicted to intensive exercises (running is a common example of a relatively uncommon phenomenon). I am no doctor, and as the 2nd poster said, speak with your doctor, who may recommend a specialist that would know more.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    my last meal is 5hrs before i try and sleep.last drink about 3hrs before.. i hate being too hot so thats not a problem i have..always had a bad time with sleep but it seemed to be righting itself until this week when i upped the weight slightly and bam .. its not muscle ache, i kinda got used to that when i started running .. lol it just seems like my whole system is on full speed ahead and blood is rushing round my body ..its kinda weird but a good feeling.. except for the sleep thing.. ill give it a week or so to see if it sorts itself out then see a doctor if it doesnt .. i just wondered if it was something linked with the lifting and hormone levels or something like that?