Anybody on here with ulcerative colitis, crohns etc?

Just wondering if anybody on here is going through the same thing I'm going through, need a good diet plan .


  • Hi :) I have major food allergies. uc if I don't watch it. Add me! i'm new and would like friends in a siilar situation.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have one of the ulceratives, i dont talk about it on my newsfeed though. Constant fear that whatever i eat next is going to cause me a lot of pain sucks.
  • Yeah, I didn't want to post it on here but thought I might as you can get tips from other people etc! But I have the same fear when I eat, I'm okay at the moment as I'm still on steriods.
  • Yeah I have a form of ulcerative its hard to always worry about something causing such bad pain you can't move. I would like to find some other ppl who know what I am going through
  • I will add you now and just give me a message when you want
  • JLYARKER wrote: »
    Just wondering if anybody on here is going through the same thing I'm going through, need a good diet plan .

    Send me a message and I will connect you with a friend that has it.
  • spinwithme
    spinwithme Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have followed a gluten free diet and it has helped.
  • Hey, I have recently been diagnosed with ulcerative pan-colitis. I don't exactly have a diet plan of my own yet, but I'm looking to meet other people like me on this app!
  • mrjekill
    mrjekill Posts: 2 Member
    I also have UC. It's been difficult to find the right balance. I'd like to find a good diet plan that it's safe for my condition but also being able to gain my weight back.
  • Sraible
    Sraible Posts: 1
    There is a great book out there from Dean Nelson you can get on Amazon - I highly recommend this book: The Experimental Approach. Dean has overcome many issues over the years.
  • Dave0403
    Dave0403 Posts: 7
    I have Chrons disease
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    I personally know two people with Crohn's. One is also lactose-intolerant, the other is not. Both, can eat protein without any repercussions, which can sometimes be iffy for some people. For both of them though - the key has been no packaged types of foods. They eat food as pure as they can get it. Meaning - does it have a face or a mother? Does it grow from the ground? One ingredient type of things that they balance throughout meals. I know one of them found out after a lot of pain/issues that Rosemary (the spice) is a definite no-no. Flare city each and every time.

    White pasta works for one of them - one can't eat pasta at all. Veggies are good as long as they aren't too fibrous. I definitely feel for you on is a horrible thing to deal with, but it is manageable!
  • Sam_LJackson
    Sam_LJackson Posts: 26 Member
    Crohn's here! Diagnosed 2013. Based on what I've heard, diet for UC/Crohn's is different for everyone, but I've had good results loosely following low residue diet guidelines: Sometimes you just flare anyway though - it sucks.

    Maybe consider tracking symptoms in MFP's notes section when you log, see if you can ID any triggers.

    Decreasing alcohol consumption also helped a lot for me. Good luck & feel free to add me!