20lb loss by march 1st, anyone in?



  • Karihenson
    Karihenson Posts: 1 Member
    Am in
  • aedwards253
    aedwards253 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a little late but I want in. I started on Sun 18. I have a lot more to lose than just 20lbs...but if I could lose that much by March 1st that would be a hell of a good start and hopefully enough to keep me motivated to do this. I'm aiming at working out 5-6 time a week and I'm starting to log my food. Also aiming for about 1200-1600 cals a day.
  • tamycadger
    tamycadger Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! March 1st is my birthday, so 20 pounds lost is a perfect present to myself. I am 310, 290 here I come!
    Hmm. I seem to have forgotten how months work...I probably won't lose 20 by March 1 but I might. 20 is just a goal, not a requirement - I'll be happy to lose 10 while cheering everyone else on! Has anyone weighed in?

  • tamycadger
    tamycadger Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join to 20 pounds by March 1
  • wistfulruthie
    wistfulruthie Posts: 6
    edited January 2015
    I'm in. 5'2" 200. Goal is 130. Just got back on MFP. Could really use the accountability and support. Calorie goal is 1800, I've been right around 1100 the last few days.
  • jeffffery
    jeffffery Posts: 2 Member
    I am soooo crushing this! Halfway there...11lbs in 17 days yo! 214 by 2/14 is my mantra!
  • I'm in. Started Jan 1. Down 7 lb.
  • sneha118
    sneha118 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm late but I'm in! I need to lose 20 lbs by March and another 10 by May. I weighed in at 173 lbs today. Need the motivation and help to lose this weight !
  • I'm in! My daily calories are 1600. Looking to lose 40lbs alltogether..
  • Juliemommy4
    Juliemommy4 Posts: 9 Member
    rsjohnb wrote: »

    I looking to try and continue with my weight loss and have set my next challenge as being 20lb off by the first on March. (I currently weight around 242 and I'm 6'2")

    It works out a fraction over two pounds a week so its not for the faint hearted but hey, I ain't getting any younger :)

    I log in very day and am always on hand for a bit of encouragement and support. so if your up for the challenge send me a friend request.

    lets do this!
    meee ! Me ! Add me!

  • March 1st? I'm in!!!
  • Im in 6'2 at 236 aiming to be 170! :)
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in as well! Feel free to add me :)
  • anastasia1807
    anastasia1807 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in! How do I send a friend request via my phone (iphone)? Anyone can help?

  • I can do that. I'm 41yrs old, 6'1" and 290lbs now. I need to get 50 more lbs off this year. I loss 32 in 2014! Vacation in Cabo, Mexico, Labor Day weekend! Let's get it! #addMe
  • Count me in!!! Or is it too late? :(
  • JeneaneB
    JeneaneB Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm in! Add me too. Need to lose more than 20 but it would be a great start!
  • Salma20wisp
    Salma20wisp Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I'm in even if I am really late! Add me!!
  • rgpsx1
    rgpsx1 Posts: 8 Member
    In! Is this still going?
  • I'm in! Add me as a friend!