Looking For Others Over 40

Hi, I am 41 almost 42 and had my 4th child who was a micro preemie at 37. The stress of my daughter being so ill at first and then her having huge eating issues which causes everything in my house to be high calorie food and staying home with her full time has really caused me to gain weight. I'm trying to loose 35 lbs by May and it seems harder to do now that I'm on my 40's so I'm looking for other people to help and to help me stay focused around my same age.


  • I'm not quite 40 yet, I'm only 38. However, I can completely relate to feeling overwhelmed because of your age. The older you get, the harder it gets. I am here to ideally lose 50 lbs. Good luck, and friend me, we can keep each other accountable :smile:
  • I just joined and I don't know how to friend. I tried clicking on your name but nothing pops up. I'm on an iPhone do you know how to friend from one and can you friend me?
  • grantwashere
    grantwashere Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 40-something. Anyone can add me.
  • Joanna331
    Joanna331 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 42 this year, 3 children - had my youngest at 38! I have been doing all kinds if diets over the last two years determined to loose what I like to call my baby weight but it wasn't anything to do with the baby just general over eating. I've managed to loose 2st so far but still have another 1/2 stone to go which is proving so hard to do.
    hopefully this app will help us all. Good luck x
  • Time2sow
    Time2sow Posts: 9 Member
    hey chicka, congrats on coming thru those trials and taking back your health. that is no small feat. i'll be 45 this summer, took my own reins for the first time, seriously, at 41. this site's been critical for keeping account. i climbed up 10 this summer/fall/winter due to my own stuff, after losing almost 70, and just got back on the bus myself. i know now having done it once i can do it again, no sweat. ...well, probably *some* sweat. : )

    quick bio: USA, 20 years married, i've got a 20 yo and a set of 8 yo b/g twins, and while i was post grad educated i have been a SAHM since the twins and Lurv It. i'm not super social (note this being like my 4th post ever in 4 years) but happy to prop up another oldster who might also be likewise propping me up too. cheers!
  • ljohnson216
    ljohnson216 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi. I'm a 41 year old dad of 2 and my first was a micro-preemie too (IUGR). I'm happy to add you as a friend. It's funny how we strive to reduce our calories as we need to push them on our kids. Yep, this is 40's.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I'll be 61 in April. Feel free to add me. :)
  • jesse1952
    jesse1952 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm way over 40! Add me if you like.
  • nashvilletngirl
    nashvilletngirl Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    I'm 40ish, feel free to add me ☺️

    I actually can't figure out how to friend someone on here.. Anyone know? I saw someone else above having the same problem.
  • skinnyminime5
    skinnyminime5 Posts: 64 Member
    39 add me :)
  • keithw2013
    keithw2013 Posts: 77 Member
    45 years old. Getting older can be a struggle. Injury can create massive setbacks so you need to do lots of warm ups and pace yourself. I am trying to lower my body fat percentage to under 10%. Diet is at least 70% of it while working out is the other 30%. Add of you would like.
  • Allisonk71
    Allisonk71 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 43 and trying to lose weight at this age seems impossible - add me! If you're using a Fitbit add me there too
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 47. Add me as a friend if you like! At our age sometimes the weight comes off more slowly, but if we take it off by building good habits, it will stay off, and that's what's important.
  • stewynb
    stewynb Posts: 18 Member
    Yup i'm 40!! add me if you like. I'm trying to lose 2 stone!!
  • angelvamp63
    angelvamp63 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm definitely over 40 ,feel free to add me too x
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    Hi, I'm 43, feel free to add me
  • sjack44
    sjack44 Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2015
    47 here and trying to lose about 30kgs (66 lbs), feel free to add me. To add someone as a friend click on their name and then on the green add as friend button :)
  • vecchi
    vecchi Posts: 23
    Hi I'm new here,I am 52 and yes it's a lot harder with age and taking hormone blocker meds. Rose