Weight watchers vs counting calories?

what works better counting ww points or counting calories? I have done both in past & did not have much luck w/ww... I would run out of points before dinner time rolled around & always had to tap into weekly points.


  • hcobb33
    hcobb33 Posts: 66 Member
    I did Weight Watchers in the past and lost my first 40 lbs that way.... back in 2010 when the point system was based off of calories, fat and fiber. That being said... when they changed to Points Plus,that is when things stopped working for me. I think it has something to do with them trying to steer you towards healthier choices by assigning certain foods that maybe aren't as healthy with higher points and most fruits and veggies were "free". It at the time didn't really take into account the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. Depending on what I ate, there could be more than 300 calories of difference in what I ate day to day for the same # of points. So I find now that calorie counting works best for me. At least you know that 1500 calories is 1500 calories regardless on what you spend them on. Also, there are tons of free websites and apps dedicated to calorie counting that are free versus having to pay a weekly or monthly fee for WW.

    At the end of the day, people need to figure out what works best for them and do it. It may take some trial and error, but such is life.
  • awasko1218
    awasko1218 Posts: 15 Member
    I have never done WW, so take that into account...but IMO, they are the same thing. The difference is that WW does the calorie counting for you and assigns points based on calories. For example (this is totally an example, as I haven't done WW), for every 100 calories WW assigns a point. So you get X points based on how many calories you need to ingest. I do believe it can definitely work because it is just watching your calories...in a more complicated manner. As someone who has done it, am I close to how it works?
    So with that said, FOR ME, I would rather just count calories. I feel that it is just simpler than points...and honestly, I wonder if points makes you feel like some foods are "good" and some foods are "bad"? Anyway, I vote for calorie counting! lol.
  • biancahw
    biancahw Posts: 2 Member
    It really depends on you and how your body responds. I have been a weightwatchers member for the past 6 years (trying both systems of point calculation), and became a lifetime member about a year ago.

    Weightwatchers is very helpful for your initial weight loss - the system works and it feels simpler to track in comparison to calories. Having the extra weekly points also helps you stay on track as it allows you to have that splurge/special occasion.

    However, I find that you eventually reach a plateau once you've lost a certain amount of weight. Your body gets used to it and you can't enjoy those weekly points anymore without sacrificing your weight loss. It also sucks that once you're a lifetime member, if you are 2kg out of goal weight, they will charge you a fee..(as if you're not suffering enough with the weight gain!). You also can't keep track of your macros as easily with Weightwatchers - you could literally have nothing but carbs all day (including the "free fruit") and still be within point range, but you would have no valuable nutrition coming in
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    My mom is a weight watcher leader and she readily admits that the points are just a modified way of counting calories. The better one is whichever you can stick with. they're both ultimately based on having a calorie deficit at the end of the day.