On verge of quitting insanity

irejb Posts: 64 Member
I've almost completed my third week of insanity and am tired of it. Not only are the moves hard, but I'm bored of the repetition. It isn't fun, and I dread it.

I want to get fit and drop a few pounds so I fit into my clothes again. I'm so torn as I want to finish insanity, but I also want to quit.

Need some motivation...


  • floridamatty
    floridamatty Posts: 93 Member
    I was exactly the same way, i like to workout but like you said Insanity is so repetitive. I felt I got a good workout but it was so boring after a few weeks that I stopped cause I needed something to enjoy again. Dont worry, Im sure me and you are among thousands. I actually know only one person who completed it from my town, he even got the t-shirt but I think it was his only option as he couldnt afford a gym membership.
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    Change to something else. Creating a workout routine that you "dread" isn't something that is going to pay off long term. Exercise might never be your favorite part of the day, but I'm sure you can find something you don't hate.
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Wow i just jump on my bike every night and do some hard core paddling on stiffer settings. while watching one ep of tv box set before shower bed
  • travie__b
    travie__b Posts: 18 Member
    I never tried Insanity, but I hated P90X. I've actually started doing DailyBurn videos, starting out with TrueBeginner because I'm not very fit at all, and so far, I love it. I'm just about to move on to phase two, which is exciting and feels like I've accomplished something.

    I think they have like, a 30 day free trial and then after that, it's $12 a month, which works for me, because it's less than a gym membership!

    Just an idea if you're looking for more to try!
  • mdhealy
    mdhealy Posts: 15
    I'm not sure if I'm the best person to say this. Anyway, I usually stop eating heavy meals, specially at late afternoons. It's hard, but it is possible. I always eat good meals for breakfast, and for lunch, but my husband has come home late for the last couple years. My children and I wait for him to eat dinner together. Now my 16 years old daughter, my 13 years old son, my husband, and myself are a little bit overweight. We are trying to eat healthy. We are being realistic that what it too years to accumulate won't go away in few days or weeks, but we are trying our best, and we won't give up. We all have a story to tell. Maybe telling your can allow you to be more understanding, loving, caring, and compassionate with thyself. I hope you feel better.
  • mdhealy
    mdhealy Posts: 15
    I'm sorry, I just read my post and it has too many grammatical errors, run on sentences, etc. I'm so sorry. I was not aware.
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    you can do it. you've already put 3 weeks into it. be one of the few who make it through.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    mdhealy wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I just read my post and it has too many grammatical errors, run on sentences, etc. I'm so sorry. I was not aware.

    I think you may have posted on the wrong thread?

    Anyway, OP-don't do it if you hate it! There's a difference between not doing something because you're being lazy and need motivation, and not wanting to do something because you literally hate it. I hate cardio...therefore I do very little, and when I do I do whatever I want. No one can tell me "do this HIIT program" or "you have to run".

    Stick to your deficit! That's the most important part of losing the fat. Find something else to do if you want to get some exercise in.
  • crtrocha
    crtrocha Posts: 1 Member
    I am on week 3 of the Insanity max30. They are only 30 minute work outs and very difficult but I'm not burnt out yet. I did burn out from Insanity. 45 minutes to an hour was alot. Now i do my Max30 then I have my bike on a trainer in my living room and I also turn on a show and pedal away for another 30. If I'm going to sit and watch tv I figure I better be doing something. I have a ton of workout dvds...I just switch them up when I get bored.
  • emsmommy9
    emsmommy9 Posts: 9 Member
    Try mixing it up a little. I like to pick my favorite workouts and mix them in with other programs. Daily Burn is also a good way to mix it up. You have to make it fun! I also try to mix in some yoga, running, etc. Do what you like and you won't dread it. Good luck!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    irejb wrote: »
    I've almost completed my third week of insanity and am tired of it. Not only are the moves hard, but I'm bored of the repetition. It isn't fun, and I dread it.

    I want to get fit and drop a few pounds so I fit into my clothes again. I'm so torn as I want to finish insanity, but I also want to quit.

    Need some motivation...

    Been there - done that. It was too intense so I backed off and did it every other day to allow some recovery time. It took twice as long, but I made it.

    Don't you love the stretches at the end of the workout. I miss that the most.
  • mamasitaroja
    mamasitaroja Posts: 52 Member
    I LOVE Insanity.....but that said, I mix in Brazilian Butt Lift, Hip Hop Abs, or Zumba when I'm just not feeling it. Another handy trick is to reward myself with something non-food for finishing a whole week without missing. Good luck, and if you TRULY hate it, there is something out there somewhere you will love- just look!
  • You've already done three weeks, so you only have one more week to go before your recovery week. Recovery is different and the 2nd 4 weeks is different...you won't get bored. Just think about how good you'll look when you finish? Need more motivation? Look at your before picture and compare it to now! When I did Insanity I noticed results every week and that kept me going :) Good luck!!!
  • irejb
    irejb Posts: 64 Member
    I'm going to try and stick it out. I guess I'll feel bad if I don't follow it through. Who knows...maybe I'll like it.
  • Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but people should not do work outs like this one unless they are in better shape because you have more of a chance of hurting yourself. Try do weight training with weights or body weight. And do one or two body parts a day. And you don't need to do it for hours either, just 30 mins a day is good enough. And fish oil that has the right amount of omega 3s in it can help fat and muscle inflamtion, and helps with soreness too. Really does. And never work out on an empty stomach.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    If you hate Insanity, there's nothing wrong with switching to something else. I finally finished it on New Year's day and my third try. Month 2 was a lot more fun, in my opinion, than month 1. It was tougher, but I enjoyed the workouts more. So, if you want to finish it, keep pushing and see if you like month 2 any better. If you don't really care if you do Insanity or some other program, try something else... you can always come back to Insanity later. Good luck!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    edited January 2015

    After 3 weeks of insanity is actually when I started to see actual progression. I know it gets pretty repetitive between the 4-5 videos you do every couple days, but the results will be worth it. I lost a lot of inches, became stronger, less flabby, had better endurance, and I fit into my clothes much better than before! Besides, isn't there a recovery week coming up sometime soon? It'll shake things up a bit and then after a week, you're into month 2 with new videos (although I admit, they're similar to month 1). If you're finding the moves hard, you can always modify. There were times that I wanted to quit too, but this quote kept me going: "Your body can withstand anything. It's your MIND you have to convince!"

    That being said... to each their own. I really loved Insanity, and finishing the whole program is such a great feeling. It's what gave me the motivation to continue working out and pushing myself to get fit. But in the end, your best bet is to find a workout that works for YOU. If you don't like Insanity, exercise will seem like a chore so you need to find something you enjoy doing. Insanity doesn't do it for everyone, so maybe try something else that will get you motivated to keep going :) zumba, P90x, Jillian Michaels, heavy lifting... lots of options!

    Good luck!
  • silversnare25
    silversnare25 Posts: 21 Member
    It gets really really repetitive. Some days i would dump the schedule, do Pure Cardio and something else i thought was fun.... like taking my dog for a walk or playing ball with him. If you quit cold turkey, it's likely that it'll be really hard to keep it up or start again. Try switching up a few workout days. BTW, month two is HELL.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You only have one more week, before you move on to the second month. You think the moves are hard in the first month, wait until the second . Oh wait, you wanted motivation to finish. This was actually when I started to get bored, I had already done T25 through Gamma, so the first month of Insanity seemed rather easy to me. One of the things I did that helped me get through it was to turn the volume down on Shaun T (he drove me crazy with the "how y'all doin?" and "dig deeper, y'all, dig deeper" and turned up my own music. Also the fact that I was to finish a week before my Dominican vacation helped. I'm glad I finished, though I am still waiting for my t-shirt.

    But if you can't finish, don't force it because it will just turn you off of fitness completely. Try to find something else you enjoy and can continue. My focus now is lifting weights and even though it does get kinda boring, I mean a squat's a squat right, I love it and have found my "soulmate" workout.

    BTW I still do Insanity, along with T25 and Turbo Fire as my cardio.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Insanity is pretty boring. I really like the Spartacus workout from Men's/Women's Health though. It's speedy circuit training with dumbbell work, and it really is toning me up.