Silly Weight Fluctuations...

marji4x Posts: 144 Member
It's pretty aggravating when my weight goes up and down.

I *know* my waist is going down when I measure and my arms are starting to look more toned and I know I am just being a silly ninny but then I had finally gotten down to 189 after YEARS of being in the 190-200 category, I was so stoked!

Now I am back up a couple pounds pushing me back into the 190's. I'm a little frustrated, although I am not beating myself up about it or anything. It's a silly meaningless number but it still aggravates me XD

I know when I went up and down a couple weeks ago it was because of my period but now I don't know, maybe my body is just reacting to my workout (I just went from Level 1 to Level 2 with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I know water-weight can come on due to new workouts).

Anyone else experience this? Motivation? Success stories? Advice? I'd love to hear it :)


  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    I have the same problem. I started at 168. I can't seem to get passed the 159.0. I am obsessed with the scale, even though I am losing inches, and you can tell. I weigh myself daily, a habit I am trying to break, but I just can't. I drink plenty of water, and I eat fairly well, with the occasional cheat days. I workout at least 3 times a week, if not more, burning between 300-600 calories each day. I eat my work out calories to. But I can't get the scale to move past 159.

    So, I am going to change some things in my workout routine, and my food diary, and see what that does. I do feel better each day, I'm not tired, I have energy all day, instead of hitting that 2 pm slump like I used to.

    Good luck, and know that you aren't alone!! There are a lot of us that can't seem to win with that stupid scale!!!!
  • ericcalaniz
    ericcalaniz Posts: 12 Member
    Everyone's weight fluctuates, it's part of the way your body operates. Depending on the amount of sodium you take in, your body stores water in different places and amounts, and so that's one part of the equation. You also eat food over the course of the day, and this obviously will make you gain a pound or two, and the only time you drop that weight is when you expel it as waste (go to the bathroom). Because your body processes different foods differently and at different speeds, even if you weigh yourself at the same time every day, you'll never stay at the same number day after day.
    3-4 pound fluctuations are normal. I even had a period in college where I would fluctuate between 145 and 155 from day to day. Don't sweat the couple pounds; if you start gaining consistently, then you know it's time for a change.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I get them all the time... I was at 199.9 and I haven't been under 200 in like 4 years... so I was extatic, then my weight fluctuated... (I'm sure it is from not drinking enough water!) and now I am stuck at 201... which is a great number, I just really liked seeing that one in the morning! haha!

    ETA: I have had up to 9lbs as a fluctuation from one day to the next... those things can be brutal!!
  • abjelica
    abjelica Posts: 5
    Just be patient, water and gaining muscle mass causes our weight to fluctuate and make us think we are gaining weight. You are doing great, just do not give up and in a few days your scale might show the results that will surprise you. Great work....
  • ericcalaniz
    ericcalaniz Posts: 12 Member
    Also for the people who have hit a plateau, try varying your workout from what you've been doing. Most physical trainers will tell you that doing the same workout for more than a few months at a time will yield continually diminishing results, to the point where you're making no gains at all. When you perform the same activity repeatedly, your body (the incredibly smart machine that it is) becomes "used to" the activities, and it isn't challenging you anymore, ipso facto you stop losing weight.
  • wannabalozer
    It's pretty aggravating when my weight goes up and down.

    I *know* my waist is going down when I measure and my arms are starting to look more toned and I know I am just being a silly ninny but then I had finally gotten down to 189 after YEARS of being in the 190-200 category, I was so stoked!

    Now I am back up a couple pounds pushing me back into the 190's. I'm a little frustrated, although I am not beating myself up about it or anything. It's a silly meaningless number but it still aggravates me XD

    I know when I went up and down a couple weeks ago it was because of my period but now I don't know, maybe my body is just reacting to my workout (I just went from Level 1 to Level 2 with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I know water-weight can come on due to new workouts).

    Anyone else experience this? Motivation? Success stories? Advice? I'd love to hear it :)

    Weight fluctuation comes with the losing weight "game". I just read yesterday about a member on here that lost over 200 lbs starting in the 500's. She had some "stalls" along the way but just kept plugging along.

    Just hang in there and don't quit doing what you're doing. The math and science behind eating less and burning calories will work. Sometimes your body is just adjusting.

    Do's: Make sure you DO eat enough. Make sure you DO drink all your water (8 cups). Make sure you DO keep keeping on. :)

    I finished the 30 Day Shred. My total loss in pounds was 2.5. I was a little disappointed until I noted the inches. (here is the post from the success stories forum: )

    Good luck! We're pullin' for ya!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Read the "why the scale lies" link below my signature. Focus on body measurements, body fat%, etc.
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I thought I knew what 'd hear from people but I was pleasantly surprised at a lot of this and it was just what I needed to make me feel back on top!

    Gonna hit that workout with a higher heart tonight :D