Late Night Cravings While Studying any suggestions? Support is welcome...

So I've hit my 6 meals for the day, eat well but did not really hit my total calorie intake that was needed, here is my problem, i need to be up for another 2 or 3 hours to study this is my DANGER time, how do you survive this while studying or anything you need to do... any advice on things you could eat, my workout partner says nothing after 8 p.m., i'm trying but as a new habit that is hard..... trying to just figure out how to change a bad habit. Any support is welcome. Thanks


  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    Popcorn is usually helpful for me at times like that, or a bowl of cereal, especially with almond milk. Very low-calorie but also very filling!
  • LMotiram
    LMotiram Posts: 20 Member
    baked (or microwaved) sweet potato - filling, sweet, and low cal (about 50 calories for a small). You can munch on it a bit, drink water, warm up as needed. I also drink a lot of water, brush my teeth, and have a breath mint or 3. Seems to help. Late nights are tough for me too.
  • LMotiram
    LMotiram Posts: 20 Member
    Also maybe a broth-type low calorie soup - warm & filling plus you can sip it slowly.
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    Great! I never thought of those things Thank you both very much. :-)
  • oesmum
    oesmum Posts: 2
    When I get the munchies I go for fresh vegetables dipped in hummus. Safeway brand has hummus that is lower in calories than most an very high in flavor.
  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    Protein bars maybe?
  • Rebek2911
    Rebek2911 Posts: 6 Member
    I was just looking for a thread like this! My biggest downfall is night time hunger and snacking. These are good ideas. :)
  • lwoods0315
    lwoods0315 Posts: 13 Member
    Celery and peanut butter. Not too much PB but you can make a tablespoon or two go a long ways. Also the 8pm thing is good if you go to bed at 10pm. Just give yourself 90 minutes after eating before laying down to sleep and you should be fine
  • Seems a bit wired but MUSHROOMS! It's very low calorie and helps filling your tummy ;) I roast them in the oven, or just grill them. It tastes great with a little bit of salt!
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    Drinks keep me sane when I'm doing something like that. Fire up the tea or coffee, depending on how caffeine habituated you are. It gives you something fidgetty to do.
  • koreafit
    koreafit Posts: 1 Member
    For me brushing my teeth then chewing on gum works well especially if studying.....if you don't like chewing gum then just brush your teeth and when you start wanting to go for the food, gargle Listerine instead
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    Change the spacing of your meals so you can have more calories later in the evening. This "Don't eat after........" is total BS. Your total calorie goal in 24 hours is what matters.
  • Huppdiwupp
    Huppdiwupp Posts: 50 Member
    Check if you're really hungry, or just thirsty - I often used to reach for the "bowl of cereal" late at night, (which, by the way, can easily be 500+ calories), but after I've had a glass of water or two, I feel much less "hungry".

    Of course, the total amount of calories is what matters, but when you try to restrict calories, going to bed with a full stomach is annoying, much better to feel full during the day instead.
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    oesmum wrote: »
    When I get the munchies I go for fresh vegetables dipped in hummus. Safeway brand has hummus that is lower in calories than most an very high in flavor.

    I found a decent alternative kale chips with hummus it seems to be the lesser of two evils
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    mdarya1989 wrote: »
    Seems a bit wired but MUSHROOMS! It's very low calorie and helps filling your tummy ;) I roast them in the oven, or just grill them. It tastes great with a little bit of salt!

    madly thats a great idea for me though it would not work it is the one thing I am allergic to :-( but it is an outstanding suggestion
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    DanBGVa wrote: »
    mdarya1989 wrote: »
    Seems a bit wired but MUSHROOMS! It's very low calorie and helps filling your tummy ;) I roast them in the oven, or just grill them. It tastes great with a little bit of salt!

    madly thats a great idea for me though it would not work it is the one thing I am allergic to :-( but it is an outstanding suggestion

    oops sorry typo I meant mdarya
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their help on this.. its going to be a constant for me for a bit until i get my arms around this problem.
  • rosejyoti55
    rosejyoti55 Posts: 12 Member
    Corn thins are very snacky but also very low in calories, a few of them with a mug of tea might help
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You like spicy? Buy a can of wasabi peas! XD Delicious, and not possible to scarf down super fast due to heat.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Dannon Greek yogurt: 80 calories per cup, extra protein, filling and lots of flavors. I have Banana Cream Pie today. Or sugar-free jello: 10 calories per cup.