Cruising April 10th -- 20lbs to lose in 11 weeks!

alysefindingbalance Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hubby and I are cruising (his first time) leaving April 10th for our 3 year anniversary and I want to look and feel great! I have a "goal" dress (two actually ;) that I WILL be wearing!

I have a total of 40-45 pounds to lose and I know that's not realistic in 11 weeks, but I think 20 definitely is.

Looking for advice/pals to hold me accountable!

Not looking for a quick fix, just exercise and calorie intake tracking.

IG: flabtofabalyse


  • kcm105
    kcm105 Posts: 50 Member
    We have similar goals. I'd like to lose 35 more overall (already lost about 5), but we have a vacation at the end of April/early May, and I'd definitely like to lose 25 (30 total) by that time. I'll probably be okay with just losing 20, but I'm going to try hard to get to 25!
  • alysefindingbalance
    Awesome! I would LOVE to hit it hard and make it to 25lbs! That would put me at 3lbs less than when I got married, which would be amazing. I was 130 when I met my husband, 154 on our wedding day, 176.8 at my heaviest (the start of this year) and currently down to 171.3.

    Where are you guys going on vacation?
  • kcm105
    kcm105 Posts: 50 Member
    Disney World! We will be spending a day at the beach as well, but I'm not really concerned about that. We sprung for the picture package they offer, so we should get a lot of pictures, and seriously, my goal is to just NOT HATE myself in every picture we get! I also need to be in shape so I can do the miles and miles of walking around all of the parks. This is my first real vacation in about 10 years, so I want to make the most of it. 25 more pounds would put me at 155, which would match my lowest weight since having my son (he'll turn 6 during our vacation). Before pregnancy, 155 was my all time high, but time has changed my perspective on the word "fat", ha.
  • JennyGOL87
    JennyGOL87 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey ladies! Send me a friend request. I'm off for vacation on April 7th and would like to lose 10-15 pounds before that. I've been trying for awhile, and need the extra motivation.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    I have a total of 40-45 pounds to lose and I know that's not realistic in 11 weeks, but I think 20 definitely is.

    Not looking for a quick fix, just exercise and calorie intake tracking.

    In 3 months time, I would say 12 lbs is feasible. 20 is closer to "quick fix". At a 500 calorie deficit, you'll lose the 12 lbs. 20 lbs would mean you'd need an 833 calorie deficit per day. You're gonna be awfully hungry, or be doing a lot of exercising!

    Did you gain 20 lbs in 3 months? If not, why do you expect to lose it in that time?

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just being realistic. I believe we should all pursue healthy relationships with food - this is a marathon, not a sprint. Once you develop that healthy attitude, then your goal weight will become maintainable.

    Best of luck, OP. I hope you do make it, and prove me wrong! :)
  • alysefindingbalance
    I have been burning an average of 500 calories a day & maintaining around 1200 calories. It has been 2 weeks and I'm down 6 pounds. I've been eating 5 times a day. I was under the impression that losing 2 pounds a week was completely attainable. I believe that I am cultivating a healthy relationship with many raw, whole foods. I hope to prove you wrong. We shall see.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    2 lbs/week is attainable, certainly at the start especially. As you approach your goal weight, it gets harder and the loss slows. I guess I was just guessing, based on your profile pic - it didn't appear to me that you had 40 lbs to lose!

    That's why my assumption was that the loss would slow and become more difficult over the 3 months, but if you're having luck, great! I'm stoked for you! :)
  • beautychicks01
    How's it going? What are you eating and how many times are you going to the gym?
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    Curious: you say maintaining 1200 calories a day and 500 burned exercising. Are you netting 1200 or eating 1200?
  • alysefindingbalance
    @beautychicks01 - It's going well. I am on a 16 day streak and I'm down 6 pounds. I do an hour of circuit training (combo of lifting/cardio) 3 days a week, hot yoga 2-3 times a week and I walk my dog everyday.

    I eat a lot of fresh food. In between meals I have carrots, an apple, or almonds. I try to track my breakfast/lunch and snacks for the day first thing in the morning so I have an idea of how many calories I have left for dinner.

    @lcooper327 - I net usually net around 1200. I don't always burn 500 calories, and I don't always not eat back the calories I burn. It's different day to day I guess, but overall I try not to eat back more than 150 of my burned calories at the end of the day.

  • thatshistorical
    thatshistorical Posts: 93 Member
    We have similar goals--I want to lose a total of 30, with a goal weight of 170, size 10 jeans, by May. So far I'm down about 7-8lbs.

  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    @Alysefindingbalance - IMHO it looks like you may have the right attitude going into this. I would suggest that instead of fixing on a number, fix on the inches. You want to fit into t a particular dress or two. Those dresses don't care how much you weigh, they only care that your circumference fits in their already pre-determined measurements. And get some back up dresses just in case. You will still look fabulous and feel just as fabulous if you want to!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I want to lose 30 pounds as well. I have a vacation planned for early April. Anyone can add me I need a lot of help with this. I know what I need to do I just need to do it. Good luck
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    I have a total of 40-45 pounds to lose and I know that's not realistic in 11 weeks, but I think 20 definitely is.

    Not looking for a quick fix, just exercise and calorie intake tracking.

    In 3 months time, I would say 12 lbs is feasible. 20 is closer to "quick fix". At a 500 calorie deficit, you'll lose the 12 lbs. 20 lbs would mean you'd need an 833 calorie deficit per day. You're gonna be awfully hungry, or be doing a lot of exercising!

    Did you gain 20 lbs in 3 months? If not, why do you expect to lose it in that time?

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just being realistic. I believe we should all pursue healthy relationships with food - this is a marathon, not a sprint. Once you develop that healthy attitude, then your goal weight will become maintainable.

    Best of luck, OP. I hope you do make it, and prove me wrong! :)

    He's right. Of those first 6 lbs you lost, 4-5 of them were likely water weight.

    I'm in a similar (ish?) place as you. I would like to lose another 4 lbs by March 10th (going to Jamaica!) but really I'm leaning towards wanting to lose 14 lbs more. Since I know it's not realistic to lose that much by March 10, I'm focusing on retaining my muscles with strength training and keeping a mild calorie deficit. That way I won't gain a ton of weight on my trip- my muscles will still be there to help me burn up all the rum. They'll also help reduce as much jiggle as muscles can.

    Keep at it. Try not to dip below 1,200 cals net, and focus on strength (vs cardio). Do cardio if you want to earn more calories to eat. Do strength training if you want to look amazing asap. =)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    With an initial "water weight loss" of 5-6(ish) pounds the first week, that leaves 15ish in 10 weeks. This is definitely doable, if you stick to your deficit (and only because you have a total of 40 to lose). My advice is: get a food scale.
  • akoullias
    akoullias Posts: 18 Member
    I joined a lose 20 pounds by Easter group and I started a week late so I'm giving myself until April 12 so I have similar goals to you
    I started at 155 trying to hit 135
    Today I am at 151 so I have to lose 1.6 a week to make goal
    I think its do-able
  • auntchellebelle
    auntchellebelle Posts: 127 Member
    I am cruising April 27th, I can't wait! I would like to lose 20 by then as well. 6lbs down so far. You can do it! Have fun.
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    ive heard 2 lbs /wk is attainable, at first, until one starts getting close to the goal weight.
    with your enthusiasm and focus you will make it! :)
  • alysefindingbalance
    alysefindingbalance Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2015
    @lifting4lis I couldn't do this without a food scale! I weigh and measure everything!
    @akoullias, good luck to you!
    @auntchellebelle, and @nezyrumrunner thank you!!

    If any of you are on instagram, I'm: flabtofabalyse -- It's a great support system :)