New to the site!

I am pretty excited about the past couple of days trying out this website, it really shows me all the stuff I am actually putting into my body and to be honest, it frightens me a little.....

I am looking to find a way to help my portion control and over eating habits.

I have always been in good shape but a desk job (where I sit 8 hours a day) seems to be changing me. I have developed belly fat which I am trying to get rid of and I am hoping this website helps me track of what I eat so I can figure out where I need to cut things.

I work out regularly, weight train 2 times a week, gym cardio 2 times a week plus running on my lunch breaks, but I can't seem to keep this flab off of me. Any suggestions?


  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    This is a great site, the motivation and support you receive is incredible. You will meet some very helpful people to help you along your journey. I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    welcome, and good luck!
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Hey, welcome to the site. I think the biggest thing to remember is that 80% of your weight loss is about your diet and the calories you take in - if you do a 20 minute run and then have a can of Coke afterwards, then you've just drank back half of those calories you just burnt.

    The MFP calorie tracker gives you a great awareness of what you're putting in your body and helps to reach your goals.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RLB178
    RLB178 Posts: 8
    Thanks! Motivation is the hardest part so I am trying to keep it up.......
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Yeah, I think that's always the hardest part - just pasting something I said to someone else earlier about the way I approach it:

    >>For me, the most important thing when starting off with is believing that you can do it. Set yourself specific, measurable goals, put them in the present tense, visualize what it'll look like when you achieve them, and read them EVERY day, every chance you get.

    So for instance something like "By 4th July, I have lost 15lbs and am working out 5 times a week".

    You need to make sure that you believe that you can do this, or you'll end up sabotaging your own weight loss. Set yourself 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month and overall goals, all following this same set of guidelines.

    I personally have my goals written down on the Excel spreadsheet that I track my daily weight on, so that every morning when I put in my weight, I've got my goals staring me in the face and am reminded of them. Also, if you miss your goal, don't get discouraged - simply put in a new date to achieve the goal and carry on.

    Once you've done that, MFP provides some wonderful tools for tracking your calories. Exercise makes a huge difference as well to your overall health, and the combination of a healthy diet within your calorie goals and doing exercise regularly, no matter how small you start off, will let you reach your goals.

    If you try and stick to these guidelines, and hold yourself accountable for your success, I'm sure you'll see the weight flying off.