Trying this again

I've used this app before along with weight watchers and had success but slowly ended up back into bad habits. I'm hoping this time around I'll have better success and I'll take any advice anyone has to give! I will say the exercise part is the hardest for me, that's where I need the most motivation. I am the girl who paid for a gym membership for 2 years without ever stepping foot inside it! My goal is at least 20lbs but I am ok with starting slow for now, with my food choices. I love this app for that. My new pedometer comes today so I can start tracking and adding in steps as well. Wish me luck!


  • deoneajobs
    Im in the same boat, I lost 50 pounds kept it off for two years then gained 40-30pounds and two weeks ago decided to lose weight again, since I've lost 7.8pounds. Only have 27.2pounds left to lose anywho....if you want another to message I here:) best of luck!
  • ajp7629
    ajp7629 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to know in not the only one! I'm still getting back into the groove and sadly realized when I weighed myself today that I actually started 7 pounds heavier than I thought so I've got more work to do. What kind of exercise do you do? Until I push myself and get into something I will admit I can be lazy. Need that motivation! Best of luck on your journey again!!
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    Move over in that boat, 'cause I'm in there too! Lost over 60 pounds the past few years and was within 20 pounds of reaching my goal weight. Then last spring we moved across the country; between the move and the holidays I gained 17 pounds. At least I did continue logging the whole time! I'm back to exercising - walking (yeah for my new Fitbit!) and some strength training. We can do this!
  • jazmynstrasser
    jazmynstrasser Posts: 11 Member
    Wow I'm in the same boat I lost my mom 2 years ago to cancer. I got depressed and turned to food. Instead of talking about I want to lose 100 plus pounds. If anyone wants to be friend on here hit me up I'm all for support and helping others.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    I had a hard time going to the gym too, you have to find some exercise that is fun for you, I do zumba classes, and i am starting boxing classes on friday. once you get into a daily routine of exercise it becomes addictive. it is good to start slow and get your eating under control first, that is what i did, then added exercise, started with walks, then started going to zumba classes. hope this helps, and good luck on your journey! :smile: