Frozen Meals ok???



  • mrsmalloryevers
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered the same thing too. Yeah they're high in sodium but a lot of the foods we eat nowadays are high in sodium. I love those lean cuisines and I would eat them more often if they weren't so darn expensive!!
  • JLFIT247
    Frozen meals are ok in the sense that you can find some that fit into your calories goals for the day, but it's very important to watch the sodium intake with these. If you are going to eat them, stick to one MAX per day. It's always important to get in fresh fruit and vegetables as well for a balanced diet.
  • MNSchulz88
    YEs, the Healthy Choice Steamers are actually really good and have a lot of flavor. The sodium on the one I brought today is only 480mg, which for an entire meal is not that bad.....
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered the same thing too. Yeah they're high in sodium but a lot of the foods we eat nowadays are high in sodium. I love those lean cuisines and I would eat them more often if they weren't so darn expensive!!

  • mrsmalloryevers
    MNSchulz88 wrote: »
    YEs, the Healthy Choice Steamers are actually really good and have a lot of flavor. The sodium on the one I brought today is only 480mg, which for an entire meal is not that bad.....

    I will have to try those!!

  • MNSchulz88
    I do try to jazz them up w/ more fresh veggies and meat
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    Are they pure organic, ingredients picked by virgin elves by the light of a full moon, and meat only slaughtered with a silver knife forged in applewood and sage fire?


    Bahahaha perfect.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    "Healthy" frozen meals often taste terrible to me and seem to always be tiny portions. I can get a much larger meal for the same calories if I make it myself. However, if I were in a pinch and somehow had access to a frozen meal, I am sure I would eat it, why not? It's still food.

  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    I use frozen meals all the time at work though I am shifting away due to boredom mostly. I tend to buy Evol brand and Central Market brand because I can pronounce all their ingregients, tend to have more veggies and lower sodium then Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice, plus I have celiac and it's hard to find good tasting gluten free frozen meals.
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Frozen meals are a staple for me right now. I need the ease and low-calorie options. I have noticed they're ridiculously high in sodium though. I'm losing weight and plan on using them for a bit longer, but ultimately I'd like to learn how to prepare healthy low-calorie food myself.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    MNSchulz88 wrote: »
    YEs, the Healthy Choice Steamers are actually really good and have a lot of flavor. The sodium on the one I brought today is only 480mg, which for an entire meal is not that bad.....
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered the same thing too. Yeah they're high in sodium but a lot of the foods we eat nowadays are high in sodium. I love those lean cuisines and I would eat them more often if they weren't so darn expensive!!

    I sometimes buy them for the bowls. I keep one or two of the strainer trays for washing berries and things and love the bowls for microwaving my leftovers.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I find the names of these things to be insulting to my intelligence. For that alone, no thanks. "healthy choice", "smart ones", "lean cuisines". this implies that it is a better choice than what I was already eating.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    They are terrible... but only because they taste like garbage. Nothing about them really is that bad nutritionally and if that is how you are able to keep to your calorie goals then so be it. There is nothing inherently "bad for you" about them, except perhaps the sodium level.
  • HeathaFeatha30
    HeathaFeatha30 Posts: 9 Member
    I would try to avoid them due to high sodium. Try to only have 2 a week if need be instead of everyday. As for the other 5 days how about a salad, vegetables, fruit, chicken :smile:
  • HeathaFeatha30
    HeathaFeatha30 Posts: 9 Member
    MNSchulz88 wrote: »
    I keep getting told by countless people that Frozen Meals: Healthy Choice Steamers, Smart Ones, Kashi, Lean Cuisines ect are TERRIBLE!?!?! I eat 1 every day for lunch on a 1200 calorie diet this is vs the cafeteria 2,000 calorie lunch I used to eat........I make smart choices like ones that are high in protein and low in I sabatoging my new lifestyle change by eating these??????

    Are you going over your sodium and carb intake??
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    MNSchulz88 wrote: »
    I keep getting told by countless people that Frozen Meals: Healthy Choice Steamers, Smart Ones, Kashi, Lean Cuisines ect are TERRIBLE!?!?! I eat 1 every day for lunch on a 1200 calorie diet this is vs the cafeteria 2,000 calorie lunch I used to eat........I make smart choices like ones that are high in protein and low in I sabatoging my new lifestyle change by eating these??????

    Eating more calories than your metabolism can handle is sabotaging yourself. I know because I did that for years and years.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    I find the names of these things to be insulting to my intelligence. For that alone, no thanks. "healthy choice", "smart ones", "lean cuisines". this implies that it is a better choice than what I was already eating.

    I have actually never taken it that way (not that I'm a big frozen meals eater)...I think the intimation is that they're healthier (whether this is true or not for any specific meal) than other frozen foods, not that they're healthier than something you'd whip up yourself.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    They haven't killed me yet.

    Are they perfect? No. I would usually much rather prepare something over which I have complete control over the ingredients. However, it's not a perfect world and sometimes I don't have the time or energy to do that, so frozen meals it is! I usually add more steamed veggies or fresh fruit to round them out.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Maybe they've improved since I last tried. But to me they were low in satisfaction, low in quality, and high in sodium.... and left me hungry (and bloated from sodium). So I gave up on all that prefrozen stuff. I also feel like someone with my limited income should be thriftier than that.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    If you like them and they fit your goals then they are fine.
    I would't eat them because to me they don't taste as good as a simple sandwich and I can get more food ingredients for several meals with little money vs one frozen dinner.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't particularly like ready meals, but I have them on occasion, if I'm desperate. I don't think they're that bad for you, apart from the sodium, but I can usually make something tastier, and if I'm pushed for time an omelette and salad is just as quick to make.

    The only ones I like are from Marks & Spencer (UK store) from their 'Balanced for you' range which are supposed to be nutritionally balanced, and they actually taste good.