Better Years Ahead

Hello. I'm Mystique. Stay home Mommy of 5 year old boy, separated from my husband. I'm 38. Trying to loose baby weight ➕ once and for all. Just lost 15.5lbs but that's from the flu... Not the program. Want to continue losing weight after the flu is gone. Need help. Need accountability buddy. Been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 5 years but can never stick with it. Please help.


  • abbyrosestevens
    Hi, I'm Abby. What do you need help with? :smile:
  • mystiqueunique38
    Hi Abby. Nice to meet you. I need help staying on track. Doing the 2 mile daily walks to and from pre-k without quitting and resorting to driving by day 3. I have that perfect exercise opportunity up to twice a day 5 days a week... But I have so much trouble sticking to it!