8 months without smoking

Hi all, would love to hear from anyone who like me has quit smoking but found themselves gaining weight!
I quit in June last year and have now gained 2 stone, I don't wanna get bigger as my confidence at moment is rock bottom, well untill now!
Feel free to add me if you can advice, support and or have any ideas x


  • queen_of_disaster
    queen_of_disaster Posts: 61 Member
    Kick *kitten*! That's amazing! I stopped smoking six months ago on July 14th and have not had a single smoke since. :) I've also gained, though, lol. I'll add you!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Congrats!!! I quit 157 days ago. I've gained around 9lb but I've attributed it mostly to not sticking to a deficit in my case.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Good for you for quitting! My only advice is to tackle one beast at a time. Since it's been a decent amount of time since you quit, you can now tackle the weight. Start small, be consistent, keep at it, and you'll see changes.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    That's great! I quit 15 months ago. I was really mindful of what I replaced those habits with, so I managed to avoid the weight gain (in fact, I've lost 68 pounds).
  • serenamanser
    serenamanser Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for the support, yes it's been a while now since I quit and so now I'm ready to kick the weight gain into touch, I can't keep using the excuse ' oh I've gained weight cos I stopped smoking ' lol .. Feeling motivated
  • amgjb
    amgjb Posts: 79 Member
    WELL DONE!!! I stopped 6 years ago (apart from the cigar in my profile pic but I was on holiday lol)

    I put on four stone so you do need to watch but better than the alternative.

    FR sent.

    good luck