Trying again, don't know if I can....

Well here I am again. Back to a point that I didn't want to be. I gave birth to our son 20 months ago and even though I quickly went back down to pre-birth weight and stayed that way for awhile, that is no longer true. No matter what I do, I seem to gain consistantly and it's very depressing. I can hardly handle myself and I am beginning to hate myself. I don't really even like to go out in public anymore. I hate clothes, I feel guilty everytime I eat food, and I brush aside my husband when he tells me I am beautiful no matter what. I hate to exercise, because it hurts (partially from being out of shape and partially from car accident), I have no energy, I am tired (working full time and have a 20 month old that still doesn't sleep through the night). I need some encouraging along this journey and some accountability. I can attribute some of the weight gain to stress, but not all of it. I am also borderline diabetic. My husband is type 2 diabetic. I feel guilty about that too. I'm the one who cooks. Anyway, please be-friend me and encourage me along this terrible journey! And please, if there are any men out there, please send encouragement for my husband too!


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I know it is hard. But this is the first step. When I first started this, I tried to log in my food before even eating/making it, to decide it it was worth the calories. I have only been doing this since January, but it is second nature now to think about what I am putting in my mouth. It was an eye-opening experience to see how many calories I was eating in one day before I started tracking it. This is a great support site and we are all here for you. Most importantly, be honest to yourself. Good Luck.
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    If I can do this, you can too! Once you get going, you'll find MFP to be a WONDERFUL journey!:flowerforyou:
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    What is your husband's user name??
  • Misskathryn00
    Misskathryn00 Posts: 47 Member
    i agree!!!!!
  • ladyjbg
    ladyjbg Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, know just how discouraged you feel - i've just come back to the site this week after regaining all the weight I lost last year - right back to where I started. I know it's my own fault though coz I've just kept telling myself 'you can start again tomorrow' well tomorrow is finally here.....and it's time to 'get with the programme'. .... a g a i n !! Let's see if we can stick with it and make ourselves feel better - remember every journey starts with a single step and we can just take this one step at a time - no pressure. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other this time around.:smile:
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    Don't lose hope! You can do this :flowerforyou:
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    ((((((((((((((((((( hugs your way! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I can empathize, but look at it this way - you are focusing on YOUR HEALTH for a lifetime!!

    It's one step at a time, and each step you are walking with ALL OF US, together, in all of our struggles, concerns, fears, confusions, frustrations, you name it.

    The momentum begins today and from here onward - and you have my support!

    Welcome to this journey of a lifetime for a lifetime!!
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    This is a great site, the motivation and support you receive is incredible. You will meet some very helpful people to help you along your journey. I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goals. Just sent you a friend request. If your husband has an account, have him add me too.
  • Misskathryn00
    Misskathryn00 Posts: 47 Member
    If I can do this, you can too! Once you get going, you'll find MFP to be a WONDERFUL journey!:flowerforyou:

    i agree!!!
  • Hofmann134
    Hofmann134 Posts: 9 Member
    Look into hcg drops. They will allow you to get a jump start on the wight loss without exercise. That way you can get the extra weightt off so you won't have all the joint pain. My wife and I started it and so far I'm down 15 pounds and she is down 12 in under 2weeks and we both feel great!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    My daughter is 22 months and I had two surgeries two months after she was born. I just started this journey in sept and am working toward my goal of 60 lbs lost. It's never easy I am not gonna lie. You will cheat, have bad days BUT if you can jump back on the wagon even for a will see results. Healthier momma=happier baby! My daughter doesnt sleep through the night either and she is attached to my hip! It's not easy working 40+ hrs a week, have a toddler and try to fit in a workout. 20 min has been my max unless i take a walk after. Start slow and steady. Work your way up. YOU CAN DO IT! Friend me for motivation?!
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    Look into hcg drops. They will allow you to get a jump start on the wight loss without exercise. That way you can get the extra weightt off so you won't have all the joint pain. My wife and I started it and so far I'm down 15 pounds and she is down 12 in under 2weeks and we both feel great!

    Hey Hofmann,

    Which brand? My hubby mentioned that one of his co-workers is having good success with drops, but I don't know the specifics. Apparently there are a lot of brands online when i checked.

  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Hang in there.

    Listen to your husband and believe him when he tells you you're beautiful no matter what. Why would he lie?

    Keep talking.

    Let go of the guilt when you eat. You need to eat - it's fuel that your body needs, no matter what your current weight is.

    Can you talk to a / your doctor about exercises that won't cause you any further pain? Pool therapy or something? (I realize that might sound really ignorant because I don't know anything about your car accident, but of course you're going to be reluctant to exercise if it hurts.)

    People are SO supportive here - welcome!
  • CindyN58
    CindyN58 Posts: 39
    Oh my, don't be so hard on yourself. You are a human being...kind, compassionate, and a wife and mother. Please believe your husband when he tells you, you are beautiful. He married YOU, not how much you weigh. You also have a child. A baby is a full time job, so you are working around the clock. Sounds like you have pain from a previous accident. Don't beat yourself up about what you can and can't do. Also, you are not responsible for how much food your husband eats. That was his choice.

    Now, start from this point in time. Decide what healthy foods you need to stock up on. Find some gentle exercise to do. When I had trouble walking, I would lay in bed and do light exercise. It's a start. Encourage your husband to change his eating habits to match your new ones. It will benefit him as well.

    You can do this. I know you can!

    You may add me as a friend.
  • Mommyof3texans
    You're here right?! You CAN do this and the changes will come with some hard work and dedication! There is a lot of great information on these boards.

    Your family's diet is the key here, someone else just posted a great post in another thread about daily and weekly servings of fruits, veggies, high calcium foods, lean proteins, etc and it is a great way to think about eating. The more sodium and sugar and processed foods you can replace with fresh and whole foods, the better!

    The support system here is great too! Come to vent, ask questions, etc
  • adougherty10
    I have a 19-month old and work full time too! It's hard to find time to think about yourself! You can do it though - and so can I! :heart:
  • jenjukasa
    jenjukasa Posts: 6 Member
    I totally know what you mean! My daughter just turned 21 months yesterday, and like you, I lost the weight after her birth, but then it slowly creaped back up! It just might have something to do with the fact after a year I went back to work and i'm in an office (sitting at a desk all day long). I do get out at lunch and want to work out once the LO is down for the night, but I find I just don't have the energy.

    We're trying again and I want to shed some of this weight before I become pg again.
  • traceyblt
    traceyblt Posts: 45
    I know how it feels, i have 4 boys the youngest is 3 and my weight has been up and down, i feel exactly the same way as you sometimes. I look in the mirror and am disgusted at what i see, then some days i think , hey your not so bad. It is a struggle but this is a good website 2 be on. I have fallen off the wagon so many times and find that i,m back 2 where i started and think whats the point. I,m trying again and lots of people on here keep me motivated. Today i started doing Zumba in the comfort of my own home because i hate exercise, but zumba is quite fun . Keep your chin up ,you,re not alone. I,m sending you a friend request XX
  • runjill
    runjill Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I have been in your place at several times in my life. From the age of 19 getting discharged from the military for gaining too much weight. At that time I also didn't want to eat in front of others and basically became a closet eater. Lost weight after getting out. Maintaned a weight of 138 for years and then after my child was born gained and didn't loose. Lost weight again and then now in my life the last three years have had surgeries that made me tell myself I could give up and now I weigh more than I did when I gave birth to my daughter 13 years ago. I am on this fitness journey again and have decided it is up to me. My pains, excusses, lose of motivation, self consousness (sp) is all up to me. My feet hurt, my back hurts, nothing fits. Even though my husband tells me I'm beautiful it still doesn't matter. 12 years ago when I wanted to loose weight after my daughter I was going to a fitness facility. At that place when I walked in was a sign up sheet for a 5K fun run/walk. I was never a runner! I thought to myself what a great way to loose weight. So I signed up for this 5K that was only 6 weeks away. I started out by walking and then did a little jogging. By the time the 6 weeks came I did the run and came in at around 30 minutes. I cried when I was done. I couldn't tell you how much or if I had even lost weight right now. But from that point on I signed up for some sort of event (run, walk , or bike ride) every month to keep myself motivated to work out and get stronger. My goal was never to win or beat anyone (however I did see that lady in front of me with the pony tail and said if I can just pass her, I did!) it was to complete a private goal I had with myself. By 2008 I had completed many 5K's, 4 sprint tri-athalons ( I hate swimming), 2 half marathons, a full marathon a Walt Disney World and a 1/2 Marathon at Disney Land. Through all those years I still had ups and downs with weight but I felt better. Since the last run I have had a few surgeries and gain back all that weight and fell terrible but now I joined this web site in hopes that support from others will help. I have also signed up for a challenge in September to do a sort of triathalon which includes Kayaking, biking, running and a small obsticle cours which includes swinging on a rope and crossing the finish line in a burlap bag. Now I am 44 years old and will be just days away from turning 45 when this happens and I have just about the same number in pounds to lose by then. So if I can do it anyone can. Challenge yourself! In the end it is worth it. Also when you sign up for things, sign up for family events so that all of you can do it together. You don't have to be an extreme athlete, you just have to start. Final work on this is that remember if you start this for yourself and your child grows up watching this they too will have a healthy lifestyle. Once you start all this exercising and loosing weight I bet the diabetes goes away. I will send you a friend request and if you want you can accept. Good luck and remember All of you are worth this!