Getting back on track after years of yo-yo dieting

Hello MFP!

I am trying to get back on track with my weight loss goals. I have gained and lost weight various times throughout my 20s and 30s and most recently, I went from 250+ lbs in January 2012 to 165 lbs in November 2013; however, I am up around 215 now and my goal weight remains 154 lbs.

Over the last year, I took a new job and was dealing with a lot of family and work/life stress so I stopped exercising regularly and turned to my old friend (demon) food to soothe my worries. I have signed up for a 5K on April 4 and started training yesterday. I did a bunch of races in 2013 and this really helped keep me motivated so I am hoping it does so again.

I would like to reach 154 lbs sometime around the end of 2015 and my plan is to lose around 6 lbs per month. I did it before so I know I can do it again, but my problem is that I find saying no to sweets and carbs SO hard. I am going to try and fill up on healthier foods as in the past I think I cut my calories too low and was constantly in "diet" mode rather than "eating healthy / taking care of myself" mode which is where I need to be.

Anyway, happy to have more friends to help me on this journey!
