
dropped 5 pounds in a week...hard earned. I ate a bag of chips and gained 1.2.....;(


  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been really good this week and dropped every day. I have a teeny weeny bit of chocolate last night and I'm up 500g. Damn evil chocolate lol
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    Salt=water retention
  • candylarocque
    candylarocque Posts: 21 Member
    Thx everyone. New in here and could use a few supportive friends.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I hate when that happens, but it is going to happen again and again for me. I try to not let it get me down. I just pick myself up and start again.
  • candylarocque
    candylarocque Posts: 21 Member
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm my own worst enemy.
  • lilliandahl
    I was weighing myself every day as a sort of experiment and found that I naturally fluctuate throughout the week. I wouldn't beat myself up about the number. If you love chips maybe you could portion yourself out a few servings to have throughout the week and maybe next time the bag won't tempt you? Good luck!
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Wow, to me "cheating, cheated" seems so harsh. I love certain things and I am hoping to be able to lose while still being able to enjoy those things every once in a while. Is that considered "cheating"? What exactly is "cheating"?
  • lilliandahl
    Sandy I thought the same thing. I used to think of eating in terms of black and white. I did well or I didn't. I ate something "good" or something "bad". Then I changed my thought process and even made a conscious effort to include foods I considered "bad" like chips and bread in my diet. It has helped me moderate and judge my food and myself less harshly. And enjoy those things more rather than feel guilty.
  • candylarocque
    candylarocque Posts: 21 Member
    Chippies and Doritos are my fault....if I had a handful is be ok with that but I ate the whole bag!!!! Just my way of kicking my own *kitten*. I could have and should have measured a portion!
  • skuzmich88
    skuzmich88 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a slice of pizza on Sunday with my hubby and thought I needed to go to confession I felt so guilty and of course the gain on the scale didn't help lol
  • brittanywallace_89
    Lol. I feel ya!

  • changefulal
    changefulal Posts: 19 Member
    You gals need to stop feeling guilty about yourselves and think positive, enjoy the foods you like as long its within your calorie goals, Lillian is right :)
  • wataneya
    Dont worry u can lose those pounds again , the most important thing is to do a flixible life style and can eat w u like by controlling portions , preventing w u like will lead u to fail , so dont be upset