Question about eating enough?

Hi all!

This is my first time asking a question on myfitnesspal, so any help is much appreciated!

I am a 19 year old female and I am 5' 10. I used to live in Honduras and gained some weight from eating pupusas and baleadas non-stop, so good! Upon returning to the U.S I weighed 166 pounds and have gotten down to 159 pounds. (2 pound loss per week)

I am eating 1500 calories a day and on the elliptical for 6 miles a day at 6 mph. I do not eat any of my exercise calories back. (I have done some research to see how much my exercise is burning and most articles I read said that a person burns around 100 per mile. Is that true?)

Am I eating enough to be healthy while losing weight?



  • moto450
    moto450 Posts: 334 Member
    I suggest using MFP and plugging in your exercise and using that burned calories amount to determine what you should eat back. I would only eat back 50% of what it shows being that it usually estimates high. If you are losing 2 pounds a week you really don't want to lose any faster than that. It would not be healthy.

    so to answer your question, if you are losing 2 pounds a week yes that is healthy however its on the high end of loss. Try not to lose any faster than you are.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Well, you weigh a bit less than me and are probably more active than me, and I'm eating 500 calories more than you. Granted this is gross, but I never net below 1800 at a veeeeeery minimum. This is for weight loss.

    No reason for you to aim for 2lbs a week and if you are using the MFP net method then you should be eating back at least half of the calories you log through exercise in order to best fuel your body's needs.
  • HonduranGringa
    HonduranGringa Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, thank you for your help! I really appreciate it!
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Hi all!

    This is my first time asking a question on myfitnesspal, so any help is much appreciated!

    I am a 19 year old female and I am 5' 10. I used to live in Honduras and gained some weight from eating pupusas and baleadas non-stop, so good! Upon returning to the U.S I weighed 166 pounds and have gotten down to 159 pounds. (2 pound loss per week)

    I am eating 1500 calories a day and on the elliptical for 6 miles a day at 6 mph. I do not eat any of my exercise calories back. (I have done some research to see how much my exercise is burning and most articles I read said that a person burns around 100 per mile. Is that true?)

    Am I eating enough to be healthy while losing weight?


    So assuming the calorie burn is approximately are 5'10 and netting 900 calories a day?...

    Up your calories and reduce the amount of weight to expect to lose each week. You are not exceedingly overweight so the process should be a gradual one.