Busy Teacher In Need of Advice/Support

I'm a first year first grade teacher, and I usually work from 6am until 5pm Mon-Fri. I speed eat during my lunch break because I don't have much time to eat after dropping the kids off and I have to monitor the lunchroom every other day. After school, I'm exhausted. It takes everything in me to stay awake until my husband gets home (at 6:30) and to stay up after that. I've fallen into a very bad routine of getting a latte and a donut and/or a muffin after school. It's junk and it has become a habit. I would love ideas of healthier things that I can look forward to after an exhausting day. I also definitely need tips for dealing with the long hours (60+ hr weeks including planning time) and not feeling like death afterwards. I need to have more energy, feel better, and get healthy. I have PCOS and my husband and I have been TTC for the past 7 months and I know that getting healthier will help. I'm just so exhausted.


  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    pros is generally a symptom of insulin resistance,and so is the exhaustion you are talking about. Do you feel sluggish and tired after eating sugar, breads, or big meals? IAf yes, then Google and learn about the Ketogenic diet and try that. TONS of energy, great results. Try taking a bag of almonds to work to skip the latte and donut.
  • kirstycecilia
    kirstycecilia Posts: 30 Member
    I know that feeling- up until July I taught in a secondary school and now I advise. Long days are so tricky and I've always been really hungry by the time I get in. I found buying a slow cooker really useful as I could eat something nutritious straight away so didn't need to snack.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I'm an early childhood director so I feel your pain. I keep healthy snacks in my desk (raw almonds, granola bars, protein bars) and I also bring fresh fruits and veggies that I keep in plain sight on my desk. I bought a mini-fridge so I keep 100 calorie protein drinks in their along with greek yogurt. I was a big soda drinker, but I replaced that with flavored sparkling water (Trader Joe's lime is my favorite!) so I still get that bubbly feel to my drinks. Meal planning dinners also helps me. I make our meals super easy and even try to freeze some for easy dinners when I get home (I cook on Sunday and freeze items such as chicken casserole or soups). The crock pot is your friend! I love sweets, but they are loaded with calories. I treat myself to two banana oatmeal chocolate chip "cookies" for 93 calories when I need that sweet fix (mash two super ripe bananas, mix in 1c quick oats and 1/4c mini chocolate chips; bake on 350 for 15 mins. They freeze well and make a healthy sweet treat).