Maintaining is getting boring!!



  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Maybe find a goal, the progress towards which you record only on Saturday morning? So you work on an activity/lift and only record how you do on that on Saturdays?
  • slittle80
    slittle80 Posts: 80 Member
    JimmyRoss7 wrote: »
    A bulk would surely be fun but there's always the fear of losing definition and abs that I've finally worked so hard for. I have been thinking of a slow controlled bulk that seems very popular for people not wanting to put on a ton of weight just to have to cut again.

    I had a similar problem but that's exactly why this is as much a mental struggle as it is physical. I lost 60 pounds and felt scrawny so I set out to pack on 10 pounds of muscle. Not an easy feat and the hardest part wasn't the exercise or eating more, it was the sight in the mirror as my abs faded and I lost definition. Starting to cut now so I'm anxious to see just how much lean mass I added and I'll likely stay cut for the summer and repeat the process next winter.

    Feel free to add me and shoot me a message if you'd like to chat more.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Take a cooking class. That would be something new.

    What a fantastic idea. I didn't even think about that, but we've so experimented with so many different cuisines that it has really kept things interesting. I usually go through a new cookbook every year with a different style of cooking - Indian, Provence, North
    African, Raw, Jamie Oliver, etc. Keeps things lively and you get to think about it from a different perspective when you're thinking about health. Which is why I'll never go into classic French!

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I agree..It was so much fun logging the losses. Now I try and hit my macros.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Eating maintenance is awesome...having the energy to actually train and compete rather than just working out is awesome...and not boring.

    Go train your *kitten* off for something and's fun.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Maybe set a new goal.

    This^^ you need to find a new goal, fitness related. ...get that body working harder and getting stronger ☺
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Eating maintenance is awesome...having the energy to actually train and compete rather than just working out is awesome...and not boring.

    Go train your *kitten* off for something and's fun.

    ^^ Love this ! Go wolfman ☺
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    You might try as a goal something that has more to do with philanthropy rather than self absorption. There's so many other things in the world than our own fitness or weight. ;)
  • tenaciousdee78
    tenaciousdee78 Posts: 29 Member
    JimmyRoss7 wrote: »
    Dont let my title anger you but I dieted down, weighed and logged EVERYTHING!! I had a goal weight of 30lbs and hit it. Now I've been maintaining for 8 months and I'm bored with it. When I was cutting I had a goal to look forward to and every Saturday morning I couldn't wait to weigh in. Now there no goal to work towards, does this make sense to anyone??

  • tenaciousdee78
    tenaciousdee78 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi yes I know what you mean.. I felt the same so I made my new goal.. To try different types of exercises..especially focusing more on the strength exercises to tone up more. Keeping the weight off is a goal in itself too. Some people focus on macro nutrients and just being much healthier generally. I also think it's important to take a day off from it all once a week.. Say on Saturday blow the exercise and eat what ever you long as your good the rest of the week it's fine. Good luck with finding a new goal
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Sometimes new goals mean new daily disciplines that focus on your mental health rather than physical. For me, it is getting done with all my healthy stuff and work stuff so I can practice my music. The balancing act keeps me from being bored.
  • TracyV125
    TracyV125 Posts: 100 Member
    I totally get it. I'm OCD and very numbers driven. Now that I'm just trying to maintain I decided in order to keep myself from getting bored with it I just set new fitness goals. I'm currently training for a 5 mile race I've been dreaming of doing since I first began running in July 2014. I'm working on speed and distance. So my advice would be find something you love doing fitness wise and work on getting better at it.
  • Linzer140fit
    Linzer140fit Posts: 31 Member
    What about getting your body fat % measured in a tank? And then working to change that number a little bit...if it needs changed. If you're in a good place, that may take you a while and it's not something you can or should check daily so it would be something to work toward and check on in say 4-6 months?
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    Maybe go on a lean bulk for a few months and then diet down again.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Yup - I get it.

    When I first started maintaining I felt a little lost because I had no specific defined goal any more.

    The key to long term maintaining I think is to have some sort of secondary goals while the healthy habits are still settling in to your daily life.

    For me, my first maintaining goal was to beat the statistics that about 65% regain within the first year.

    Now my goal is to beat the next statistic of maintaining for 5 yrs to increase my odds of maintaining for life.

    You can also start with maybe increasing body definition / sculpting. Or being able to do something you couldn't before ... like doing pull ups etc.

    Sometimes I do think maintaining is more challenging because there is no finish line and we have to be creative with our goals.

    Best of luck to you!
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    Thousands of people on here are in the same situation. Just choose a fitness goal and focus on that instead.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just a thought - lots of people suggested fitness goals. How about cooking goals? Things like learning how to cook delicious meals that are great for maintaining weight (i.e. reasonable calorie/macro contents)? Not sure if it's an interest to you. If you have kids, maybe a goal of teaching them how to look after their food and exercise habits. Something a little different to consider :)
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Yes, completely. I frequently feel let down now that my journey is over. I no longer feel that special feeling I got when I was losing. Nowadays, I took pleasure in meeting now fitness goals, like climbing over 300 floors for the first time on StairMaster or lifting over 250,000 pounds in one week's lifting workouts.
  • marvinnine
    marvinnine Posts: 2 Member
    JimmyRoss7 wrote: »
    Dont let my title anger you but I dieted down, weighed and logged EVERYTHING!! I had a goal weight of 30lbs and hit it. Now I've been maintaining for 8 months and I'm bored with it. When I was cutting I had a goal to look forward to and every Saturday morning I couldn't wait to weigh in. Now there no goal to work towards, does this make sense to anyone??

  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    Why not pick a new sport? Squash, tennis, volley ball..... These activities also have a great social component.