Wanted: MFP friends

...because well my friends and family aren't interested in healthy eating or exercise (yet...I'll make believers out of them eventually). I need people in my MFP life who are! So if veggie, weights, and food documentary talk don't bore you to death and you have some goals...add me :).


  • Feel free to add me! I can't do it with my phone.
  • owlcake
    owlcake Posts: 27 Member
    I'll be your friend ! I'm in same boat!
  • LoseLisa236
    LoseLisa236 Posts: 3 Member
    You can add me too guys :) I don't know how to add you? I'm a bit new to this app but have 15 kgs to lose and very determined!
  • Yay! Thanks :). Y'all have been added.

  • BBabyMonkey
    BBabyMonkey Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me as well! I am new to MFP as well but it would be great to have like-minded people to talk to. Don't know how to add you though, still learning the app.
  • Texafornia23
    Texafornia23 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm happy to add anyone who wants to be successful! :)
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I'm always happy to have new friends, I'm using the phone app (which won't let me add friends) so feel free to add me. I'm on day 140 and so far have lost just over 25 pounds.
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi same here I can't add anyone I don't know how lol need all the friends I can get to help me lose at least 3st for my wedding in October eeeekkk really hope I can do it
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    It's hard to convince them to talk about healthy eating! Kind of annoying, given all the time we spend listening to them talking about things we're not into!
  • KKBr4D
    KKBr4D Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie to this too. I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated as well. Please feel free to add me.