Anyone else scared to weigh themselves?

Hi, I recently just joined here again, I was on here a few years ago.

I know I've gained weight recently but I am scared to weigh myself, I kind of just tell myself I haven't gained and that I am fine, but adding the daily calories of what I eat is over 2000, and as a girl who is 5'3 that is way too much.

I really want to get into logging my food everyday and keeping under 1200, but I feel to see the progress I need to weigh myself.

So scared and I really want to stay motivated?

Does anyone else get this? And please friend me so we can help each other!

Thanks all


  • emilee974
    emilee974 Posts: 265 Member

    Weighing yourself should not be scaring... On the contrary, try to think like "Ok, my weigh is XX lbs for now, so I have to lose X lbs to feel good".
    Weighing yourself is the beginning of your "diet", il should motivate you to lose what you want to lose!

    Ps: 1200 calories is not enough, but I cannot explain it to you in English (I am French and I can only advice French websites to understand what I mean)

    Good luck, everything will be ok :)
  • LuFindy
    LuFindy Posts: 28
    Thank you!
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm terrified every time I step on the scale...fear of no weight loss, fear of letting myself down, fear of being disappointed. BUT, you have to keep calm and move on as they say. Just do your best. That's all you can do! Good luck to you on your journey! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited January 2015
    2000 is not necessarily too much at all.

    Go to and enter your info and it will tell you how much you have to eat to maintain. It will also give you a REASONABLE amount of food you can eat to lose weight (pick a 20% deficit).

    I'm 36, 5'5" and 133 pounds and I maintain on 2200 calories. I'd still lose at 2000. I'm moderately active. At 20 I wouldn't be surprised if you maintained at 2500 or more.

    But anyway, yeah I still hate going on the scale. I only do it every 3 weeks pretty much, and I'm always worried I will have gained... But so far I really haven't.
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    edited January 2015
    Unfortunately for some of us who are not very tall (I'm 5'1") 1200 calories only lets us lose a half pound a week. So you can't really say that it isn't enough. If I eat more than 1400 net calories a day I gain. That is just how it is for me.

    Back to the OP, you have to be aware of where you are so you can keep track of how much you lose. That really is a good motivator once you get going. You can do it.
  • FenTiger89
    FenTiger89 Posts: 49 Member
    I know it's easier said than done, but don't let it intimidate you. It's just a number. A snapshot, if you will, of what you weigh at that exact moment in time. You could weigh yourself again in five minutes and see something higher. Or lower. You're the one that gives it the power to make you feel good or bad.

    I did WW several years ago, and the meetings I attended were in the evenings after work. I'd weigh myself first thing in the morning and the scale would read XXX, but by the end of the day it would read YYY, anywhere from two to five pounds heavier depending on what I was wearing and how much food/water I'd had that day.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I hate stepping on the scale. I find that even if I'm feeling good, if the scale doesn't reflect that it still puts me in a bad mood.

    I've started paying more attention to my measurements than my weight. I haven't weighed myself in a few months. Once I see a difference in my measurements I will weigh in again, just to see, but for now I really only care about losing inches and how my clothes fit.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    5'0" here. 1200 calories is misery. However, a Net 1200 calories is attainable if I exercise, and that is the key. Too hard to get all my nutrition in at 1200. I get cranky and my brain doesn't work right if I don't eat enough.

    The only time I'm afraid to weigh myself is the day after eating Chinese or Thai food. Or pizza. Or Mexican. Pretty much any big restaurant dinner will pack on the sodium/water gain.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    I was never scared to look at the number but in the past i've focused on it way too much so when I started my weightloss journey I purchased a quantum scale. It starts at 0 and only shows you how much you've lost in total so far each time you weigh (it's a one person scale). It may be stupid but I found that this helped me to remember how far i've come instead of how far I needed to go.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    It's always scary to get back on the scale, but ultimately you need to know to move forward, unless you go with the above suggestion and do measurements. If you don't hold yourself accountable now, how will you be able to be proud of the progress you make? You'll have no idea you lost 2 pounds this week, etc. As they say, "Knowledge is power"...I think it's the power that's needed to make a change in this case. You can do it and guess what? No one else needs to know what you see.
  • FourWindsWalker
    FourWindsWalker Posts: 143 Member
    Hi LuFindy! I, too, dislike the scale, thus I dont own one. I visit my parents and use theirs once a month.Consider weighing yourself once for a starting point and then forget it for a while. If the scale is "paralyzing you" to the point you take no action, focus on logging your food consistently, drinking more water, etc.

    Compare yourself to none.. Only to YOU!

    Remind yourself daily that doing one simple and positive step taking care of you is a beautiful gift to yourself.

    Youve got this!
  • livrerie
    I'm scared of the scale too! I want to step on it so bad, but I'm afraid I won't like what I see so it's kind of a stalemate. I remind myself that weight is a number and it is simply a reflection of gravity and what are bodies are composed of. Muscle, bone, fat, organs, water, what I ate today and haven't digested, hair, etc. It is not a reflection of who I am or who you are whatsoever. Weight is a number and it is always fluctuating.

    If you really never want to weight yourself again (which I think is a remarkably healthy thing to do) you can simply feel your progress through the fit of your clothes, the way you feel when you wake up in the morning, the way you are eating, your energy levels, etc. Always remember that you are more than just a number xxxx
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I get scared if I've done everything right, logging, exercise etc and get on the scale and see no progress. The scale is a source of stress for me. So I only weigh like once a month.
  • gghost571
    gghost571 Posts: 11 Member
    when I don't weigh my weight goes back up. the scale is just another tool to help you. I weigh each morning and don't think about it again all day
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I hate the scale... Hate it.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Scales don't lie and its just a number, do it. I have the Aria wifi scale synced to fitbit and MFP. It reports my loss and if I gain it stay mum. My fit bit account has a great graph that you can change the time line as week, month, 3 month, year. It really helps me to see where I do well and where I screw up. Right now I am at the end of my screw up phase.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited January 2015
    lisac195 wrote: »
    Unfortunately for some of us who are not very tall (I'm 5'1") 1200 calories only lets us lose a half pound a week. So you can't really say that it isn't enough. If I eat more than 1400 net calories a day I gain. That is just how it is for me.

    Back to the OP, you have to be aware of where you are so you can keep track of how much you lose. That really is a good motivator once you get going. You can do it.

    Well I was talking about total calories, not NET, as I'm assuming the OP isn't eating back her exercise calories (when she really should).

    Heck a 55yo woman who is 5 feet, 100 pounds and sedentary would lose weight on 1200 calories (total).
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Snap the line. Knowledge is power.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    In a few months, once you've lost some, you'll be p*ssed off at yourself if you don't have a real starting weight! It's the difference between saying "I've lost 50 pounds" and "I've lost more than 40 pounds or so, I'm not really sure of the exact number..."
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    Scales don't lie...

    Then why is it that when I way myself I can get 5 different answers depending on my slight change in my frets position or the location of the scales :)

    I normally weigh my self 4 times or until I get a similar number a few times.

    Talking a 5kg range so significant