Dance and stay fit

Anyone here is into Zumba or body jam classes? Just wanna share I've lost 7lbs fr just dancing. It's truly something I enjoy and not dread going to the gym. Hoping now that I'm watching my calories I can lose more weight.


  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA! I do it 3-4 times a week. It's the only fitness regime that I've been able to stick to. It's so fun!
  • slimntexas
    slimntexas Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just started in January at with a local group. First few times I was lost with all the fast steps, but after about 4 sessions it got easier for me. It is a fun way to burn lots of calories. I try harder with a group because I just want to keep up with them. I bought Zumba Fitness DVD set on eBay and it is really good also for in home exercise. The time goes fast also when you are having fun with it. My name is slimntexas, but I am not slim yet:) lol. Got to loose 39 more pounds.
  • Peaceful_
    Peaceful_ Posts: 33 Member
    I love dancing!! I've been looking up zumba videos on youtube and dance to those for 30 mins or so. I've been wanting to check out a class, looks like they'd be alot of fun.
  • Good to hear everyone is enjoying their dance workout. I started out with Zumba now addicted to lesmill body jam. I still have some pounds to go as well. Happy dancing!
  • granuaile3525
    granuaile3525 Posts: 10 Member
    Dancing is amazing. I started Xtend Barre which is a ballet based workout. It appeals to my childhood days when I took ballet classes (and wore that stylish tutu).
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    I love Zumba!! Currently I only make it to the gym 203 times / week (the closest one is 25 minutes away, the other one is 40), but I'm moving to the nearby city in 2 months, so then the gyms will be about 10-15 minutes away. Then I can actually make it Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the very least :)
    For me it's important that I like the instructor's style. I found 2, and I take their classes, there's another one, but I don't like her style (she stops after every single song for 20-30 seconds, heartrate goes up, we're standing around, I hate it). nd somehow she attracts a young and immature crowd, they're showing off, acting silly, can't stand it.

    There's a 3rd gym (all within the same company, I can go to any of them), but right now it would be almost an hour from here. Once I move, it should be 20 minutes at most, and I already know of one instructor I like, so that way I would have even more times and choices.
  • I know what u mean. Choosing the instructor u like is important. I only go to 2 of the instructor i like. Am doing Body Jam classes (fr Lesmill) about 3x A week and Zumba on other days. Their style and instructions have to suit what Yr looking for. Happy dancing!
  • yansbans
    yansbans Posts: 11 Member
    I love Zumba! I have lost 40 pounds by going to classes and of course trying to watch what I eat. I go 6 days a week (sometimes 2 classes in one day usually on the weekends), all to the same instructor. That's the key. You HAVE to find someone you like!