Relation to Food, PCOS, Infertility

I don't ever want to be one of those "Fact of The Day" people, but I wanted to share this info with you. About 2 weeks ago I went to a nutrionist for the first time, with hopes of many answers, I walked out very disappointed as she looked at my diary, heard what I had to say and stated "It looks like your doing everything right, maybe you just need patience" - A few days later I got an email from Dr. C., she went beyond our meeting and did some research regarding PCOS & Infertility. Here are here results -

***** Ovulatory Infertility - is referred to absence of ovulation which is leading cause to infertility.

This was based on a Nurse's Study of over 18,000 women


--- Women with the highest glycemic load were 90% more likely to have ovulatory infertility than those with the lowest glycemic load

--- Higher intake carb as cold breakfast, white rice and potatoes ---> Increased risk of Infertility

---> Higher intake of carbs as Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta, and Dark Bread ---> Improved odds of Pregnancy


--- In 2003 Denmark outlawed trans fats and saw a rise in births

--- Trans Fat -- The more transfat in the diet ---> the more likelihood of ovulatory infertility (This effect was seen at 4 grams of transfat per day - equal to 2TBSP of stick Margarine, 1 medium order of fries or 1 donut. They are listed on the food label ONLY if there is .5 grams per serving or more - LOOK in the ingrediants list for hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils/fats.


--- In the study women with the LOWEST protein intake was 77 grams a day (MFP IS TOO LOW) and those with the highest took 115 grams per day. Those with the highest intake were 42% more likely to have ovulatory infertility.

--Plant Protein - women with the highest intake of plant protein had the least ovulatory infertility

--With calories being equal the study showed the following changes
** Adding 2 servings/day of red meat, chicken or turkey ---> 1/3rd increase in ovulatory infertility
** Adding 1 serving/day fish or eggs --> no change in ovulatory infertility
** Adding 1 serving/day beans, peas, tofu, nuts --> modes protection again ovulatory infertility
SWAP 25 grams plant protein for 25 grams carb --> decreased risk ovulatory infertility by 43%
SWAP 25 grams of plant protein for 25 grams animal protein
> decreased risk of ovulatory inferility by 50%


1-2 servings/day whle milk and foods made from whole milk gave some protection from ovulatory infertility.
---- Most poten were whole milk, then ice cream
---- AIM for 1-2 servings/day FULL FAT diary
************ 1 serving = 1 cup milk, 1.5 ouces cheese, 1/2 cup ice cream

I know after reading this it has greatly helped me, and I am hoping it gives some insight to others. They give a website that is directed toward diabetes, but if you have PCOS (which causes diabetes) you have to eat pretty much like you are diabetic. I haven't tried it out yet, but plan too - it's called


  • MintyStarshine
    Interesting how high-protein diets will lead to infertility...
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Interesting how high-protein diets will lead to infertility...

    I found that interesting as well - from what I am gathering and after questioning this to her - she said that Plant Proteins is where we want to get all our protein from.
  • jennpotts
    jennpotts Posts: 7 Member
    i've been diganosed with PCOS for 9 years. I've tried everything to lose the weight. I have been on a diabetic like diet for years. That just maintained my weight. I finally got put on Metformin(same meds as a diabetic) and that triggered something. Metformin combined with a strict diet and exercise. I've lost 50 lbs since august (when I got put on meds). I know Metformin doesnt work for everyone. But it has worked wonders for me. It has even reversed some of the other symptoms besides weight and infertility for me!! Good luck to you and I hope it all works out!!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    i've been diganosed with PCOS for 9 years. I've tried everything to lose the weight. I have been on a diabetic like diet for years. That just maintained my weight. I finally got put on Metformin(same meds as a diabetic) and that triggered something. Metformin combined with a strict diet and exercise. I've lost 50 lbs since august (when I got put on meds). I know Metformin doesnt work for everyone. But it has worked wonders for me. It has even reversed some of the other symptoms besides weight and infertility for me!! Good luck to you and I hope it all works out!!

    I've been on Metformin for 2 years, it has NEVER helped me lose weight, nor helped with Infertility. It works for some people, in all acutality, Metofrmin is a diabetes drug and it lists it's side effect as "weight gain" - not weight loss.
  • CiCiSlim
    CiCiSlim Posts: 36
    Thank you so much for posting this. I've been trying different things with my diet and am looking forward to incorporating these changes as well.

    ~Fellow PCOS'er
  • jennpotts
    jennpotts Posts: 7 Member
    i was on metformin for 1 year when i first got diagnosed and it didnt help me with any symptoms. but we tried it again and it worked this time. I know several people with pcos that it has not helped. I'm sure you will find something that works for you. Good Luck!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I am hormone sensitive and that explains why I crave dairy soo much. But very interesting Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best of luck