5"1-5"2 women !!

hey to all of you out there !!

I am currently 51kg but for my frame I look a bit on the "chubby" side.

I am trying to lose my belly and tone my arms , I find it so hard to budge the weight.

Does anyone have any tips ?!?!

I find it difficult to steer clear from carbs especially bread !! Does anyone have the same problem.

I also don't have great motivation to excersise , I know that when I speak about it often I succeed so I would love to speak to you women out there on the same journey as me !

Would love some help !!



  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 5'0" and 122 lbs (55kg). I really doubt you look chubby in ANY way, but if you feel unhappy with your body, my tip is going to be stop giving yourself excuses and exercise. If you're thin but feel untoned, you HAVE to work out. Good luck!

    Anyone short feel free to add me. I eat a mostly low carb-ish diet and do not eat bread or pasta at all at this point, even though my diet used to be about 80% carbs.
  • I lost about 25lbs thanks to mfp,I still ate bread etc.I found swapping chocolate for fruit really helped me,drinking more water etc.Don't give up "junk" food,if I want chocolate I'll have it.I just make sure it fits into my allowance:) feel free to add me x
  • @heyyoudontgiveup‌ yes I would love to add you and thanks for the tips your right ! I really just need to get up and excersise !!!!!

    @CatLady1309‌ your completely right ! I want this to be a lifestyle change I want long lasting results when I was younger I lost loads of weight by starving myself and just gained it all back now my only aim is to be healthy and fit and that's not by
    Cutting out food I crave completely. I will add you:)
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    Hmmm, I don't know, I'm 5'1" and about 56.8kg (125 pounds) and I think I look fairly good. I calculate that you weigh about 112 pounds (I can't think in metric, have to translate!). I don't know what you look like, but I'm picturing that going much below your current weight would have you pretty skinny. Well, not pretty..... skinny. And I think it's hard for small women to lose weight because our calorie requirements are low to begin with.

    The best thing about not eating bread is that you also don't eat the stuff you'd put on the bread.

    Arm-toning, you can accomplish a lot with a couple of hand weights. "Belly," well, nature puts a fat pad there in women so that a fetus will be protected in case of injury or famine. You'd have to practically disappear to get rid of that little bit of roundness there. Abdominal-toning exercises can emphasize the muscles and make it second-nature to "hold it in." In fact, just "holding it in" will strengthen the muscles needed to do that.

    Good luck.

  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I'm a shortie at 5'1" and still on my journey to be below 130lbs. I was happy when I was about 120lbs.

    As for sweet cravings-try eating a piece of fruit that usually helps me, or drink a flavored tea with a little bit of honey or sugar. Sometimes I just have to have the sweet so I work my daily calories around it so I can enjoy.

    It sounds like you just need to tone up to get where you want, that will only come with working out. Grab a friend and stay motivated/accountable that way-working out with someone else always makes it more fun.

    Also for added workout motivation set up a Jar and create some mini goals. For each time you work out put a set amount of $$ into the jar. As you achieve your goals treat yourself (non food related) from the workout bank. I started it this year and its helped me get into the gym even if I didn't feel like going.
  • Natell1983
    Natell1983 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there

    I'm trying to stay off the bread at the minute, so instead I have the dark ryvita's. They go really well with things like tomato soup. I'll have some light philidelphia on a couple as a snack and if you put beans on top, they taste great for breakfast (I add mushrooms too).

    Substituting for better options seems to be the way to go I think :smile: xxx
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    Biggest problem here is you body fat percentage, not your weight. Work on getting the BF down with a clean diet and lifting weights. Check out Ainsley Rodriguez, Michelle Lewin on IG.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member

    Another thread with 5'2 and under women discussing weight, build, etc.
  • htowey
    htowey Posts: 31 Member
    im 4'11" and started weighing in at 198lbs. I've lost 10lbs already with intermittent fasting so my journey to weight loss may be different than yours since i''m trying to loose nearly 60-70lbs. but what is helping me along with IF is that my entire family is going on this journey with me and we are all making diet changes to cut carbs so i'm never tempted to reach for bread or anything else. Also I've noticed that drinking a cup of coffee and lots and lots of water makes me feel more full throughout the day
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 135, targeting 115 as my goal weight but that could change based on results. Wouldn't really want to go all that much lower.

    Since you're already at a very healthy weight for your height, if you still feel flabby, it's probably body composition, not weight, that you should be focusing on. Agree with everyone else: Eat at maintenance and find some sort of some strength training exercises that you enjoy. Maybe it's lifting weights at the gym. Maybe it's calisthenics or body strength exercises. Maybe it's power pilates or some other form of mind/body resistance training. There are TONS of possibilities out there. But the idea is, you don't need to change the number on the scale; you just want to tone and strengthen your body to achieve the results you're looking for.

    There's absolutely no need to "steer clear of carbs". If you're sticking to your calorie goals, you may actually need to increase the carbs a bit in order to get the best results from your workouts. YMMV.

    And don't expect to spot-reduce or spot-tone. Your body stores fat where it wants. You can tone overall and your arms and belly will benefit, but you can't really zoom in on problem areas.
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5'1" but a big busted, framed girl so I find my 'comfortable' weight is around 135. I am 146 now so I've got about 10 to go after losing 45 -started at 190 a few years back. I can't imagine getting below that #, never been that low in my adult life. I am more focused on being strong and healthy rather than skinny.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I'm 5'1 and I'm at 136 now (well the last time I weighed myself which was a few days ago). My goal is around 125-128. At my highest I was 160 pounds.

    For those who are at their goal weight, but aren't happy with their stomach, I suggest strength training. Either lifting heavy (which will get you to your goal faster) or bodyweight training which is extremely effective, but takes a bit longer.
  • stormyview
    stormyview Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2015
    Do you have a very small frame? I do, and my goal at 5'4" is just about your current weight. I think it's hard for women who have more average size frames to understand that those of us with small frames can look best nearer the bottom of a healthy bmi range. I'm currently about 120 and still have 5-8 to lose, but I have a very small bone structure for my height (ring size 3.75, for example). Exercise will help, but depending on your frame size, you may just be more comfortable at a lower weight. BMI tables suggest 100-105 as lowest weight for someone of your height. If you don't have a tiny frame, that may not be an appropriate target for you, but I thought I'd point it out.

    Just checked your page. 7 kg would put you in the underweight category. Please reconsider your goal.
  • 4ft 11<<<<
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'2". I didn't read all the responses yet. I dance, do yoga, and strength train (strong curves). I eat a balanced nutritious diet and eat at least 85 grams of protein a day on most days (sometimes more). I don't do any special diet techniques. I calculate my daily calorie intake based on my activity level. I suppose I might be more active than I realize because I am usually eating the amount for an athlete that is my size.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'2" approx 79 kg and wishing i had your kind of chubby. lol :wink:
  • Elliehmltn wrote: »
    Hmmm, I don't know, I'm 5'1" and about 56.8kg (125 pounds) and I think I look fairly good. I calculate that you weigh about 112 pounds (I can't think in metric, have to translate!). I don't know what you look like, but I'm picturing that going much below your current weight would have you pretty skinny. Well, not pretty..... skinny. And I think it's hard for small women to lose weight because our calorie requirements are low to begin with.

    The best thing about not eating bread is that you also don't eat the stuff you'd put on the bread.

    Arm-toning, you can accomplish a lot with a couple of hand weights. "Belly," well, nature puts a fat pad there in women so that a fetus will be protected in case of injury or famine. You'd have to practically disappear to get rid of that little bit of roundness there. Abdominal-toning exercises can emphasize the muscles and make it second-nature to "hold it in." In fact, just "holding it in" will strengthen the muscles needed to do that.

    Good luck.

  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    I m also 5'1... Current wt is 55kg.. I was 49 kg at the time of my wedding 3 yes earlier... It felt so gud but during my pregnancy I gained 30 kg becoz of bad food choices ... 55 kg not too much wt but I look really chubby n I have started exercising for toning body... I just want to reduce 2 ,kg more ..I think if we r in range of normal wt then in stead of trying to reduce more n more we all shud focus on our shape...
  • muse09
    muse09 Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'2, 53kg, and lean. I do weight training 4-5 times a week, and eat about 1500 calories a day (currently cutting). I think you're at a healthy weight :smile:. However, if you're not happy with your look, then here are some tips I found very helpful when I was first starting out:

    Caloric intake - don't use MFP guidelines, because they are way too low! Calculate your TDEE at IIFYM.com and use their recommended "fat loss" calorie and macro-nutrients intake as a guideline. Set this up in custom goals in MFP, and do NOT eat back exercise calories, because this plan already takes exercise into consideration.

    "Toning" your arms and stomach - This is called spot reduction, and unfortunately, it's not actually possible. You may target one area of your body for muscle building (e.g. arms, abdomen), but fat loss can only occur allover. I would suggest doing full-body free weight workouts (compound exercises like squats burn way more calories, because they involve more, and bigger, muscle groups), and eating at a small caloric deficit. It's a daily grind, but if you keep at it you'll see results!

    It was intimidating at first, but now I enjoy it so much, I just can't wait to go back to the gym! I wish you the best of luck on your fitness journey! :D
  • Shamale785
    Shamale785 Posts: 4 Member
    Body weight strength training has been Very effective for me! I also wear a waist band while working out to sweat more around my tummy area. Good luck :)