Gotta get into that dress!

At my daughter's March 2012 wedding, I wore a size 12 dress for the first time in my life. A few months later, I started Grad School (in addition to my full-time job) and by Sept 2014, I had gained close to 40 lbs and size 16 clothes were getting tight.

I've been dieting since September 2014, and have reduced from slightly over 205 lbs to hovering either side of 180. Some of my size 12 (stretchy) clothes are beginning to fit again. (those made from woven fabrics have not).

I want to wear that beautiful gown again to my friend's May 2015 wedding. It was so beautiful, and I would love to get a second use out of it. Plus, I want to get back into my cute low-rise jeans, which I was wearing with my top TUCKED IN in 2012!


  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    Oh im trying to do that too got a girls weekend the last week in april and i want to drop from a 14 to a 12 before then but have no will power, going to be an uphill struggle for me arghhh
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    Some days, I just breeze through; eating mindfully, walking right past the trays of free food at work. Other days, my mind is on food constantly, and it is very difficult to refrain.
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    I am like that! I can be really good but then i get these crazy cravings and i just think i must have that packet of crisps and once i have them i get into the mind frame of well u messed up so have a fat day and start again tomorrow! But tomorrow doesnt come round so quickly! Wot an excuse to eat more rubbish! Lol
  • Vmorales21
    Vmorales21 Posts: 1 Member
    I have my daughter's quinceañera in Nov and refuse to be fat in the pictures. I started at around 210lbs and I am down to 197.6 lbs and have gone down 3% in my BMI. Aside from looking good I want to be healthy and energetic. Diabetes runs in both sides of my family and I know that I'm playing with fire if I don't watch it.
  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    I also want to be able to drop at least one dress size before April. For me, it's more about the exercise. I can kind of avoid high-calorie meals, but not always. Since you are tempted by food, how about satisfying yourself with just a couple of bites of something plus a glass of water? Sometimes that's all I need to eliminate any cravings. At night I want chocolate or something sweet. I just have a Tbs. of chocolate ice cream and I feel fairly satisfied with that (for the most part!)
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    Thats great vmorales sounds like ur really getting into it! No fat pics in nov if u keep going like this :# sfhappy not sure one tbs would suffice i may eat the tub lol but i see wot u mean with having the water with it to trick the brain into feeling full! I have just started an exercise routine which i do at home just a 20 min but high intensity! Its 5 squats, 5 press ups, 5 sit ups and 5 burpees ( i cheat that one and step into the burpee rather than jump) then u just repeat for 20 mins! Its apparently wot footballers use and is supposed to be great for weight loss ! Im going to do it 3-4 times a week and see how it goes!
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    P.s its that bad i can only do the work out for 12 mins so far and im out of breath! Doesnt sound much but its tuff lol
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    sfhappy wrote: »
    I also want to be able to drop at least one dress size before April. For me, it's more about the exercise. I can kind of avoid high-calorie meals, but not always. Since you are tempted by food, how about satisfying yourself with just a couple of bites of something plus a glass of water?

    HI sfhappy, some days, that works for me. For me, I think the big issue is Mindfulness. If I am actually paying attention while I eat, I notice when I have had enough, and many times, I am able to put the remainder away.

    Part of it is being raised in a house where we could not leave the table until we had finished every bite. It is still difficult to convince myself I am allowed to stop when I've had enough.

    The other part is that I use my meal times to catch up on homework, so I am reading while I eat (or worse, watching a film!). When I do that, I tend to continue eating until I am finished with the book/article/film. I need to be reminded several times/day to Pay Attention When You Are Eating.
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2015
    Kim2ka2 wrote: »
    P.s its that bad i can only do the work out for 12 mins so far and im out of breath! Doesnt sound much but its tuff lol

    I think it sounds great. Do you keep a count of how many you do each time? That way, you can see your progress in another way than just how many minutes you made it through.

  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    Yes. Mindfulness. Awareness of our habits, or, in my case, non-habits. I am not very fond of routine. I always want a different meal or a different exercise or a different time.

    So glad Kim you have found a work out that suits you and also challenges you. That's important. Exercise that is more intense is beneficial. Otherwise, your body gets used to the "easy" level. I'm looking forward to a long walk tomorrow. In the evening I have a social event with the neighbors. That will mean wine and dessert, as well as dinner. Hopefully, I will be mindful.

    I've decided not to cut my hair until I lose another pound. (I do need a haircut!)

    Best Wishes for staying on track, everyone! o:)
  • DucktasticallySlim
    DucktasticallySlim Posts: 11 Member
    Kim2ka2 wrote: »
    I am like that! I can be really good but then i get these crazy cravings and i just think i must have that packet of crisps and once i have them i get into the mind frame of well u messed up so have a fat day and start again tomorrow! But tomorrow doesnt come round so quickly! Wot an excuse to eat more rubbish! Lol

    That is exactly what happens to me. Before I know it I have eaten everything I avoided eating all day.
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    Kim2ka2 wrote: »
    P.s its that bad i can only do the work out for 12 mins so far and im out of breath! Doesnt sound much but its tuff lol

    I think it sounds great. Do you keep a count of how many you do each time? That way, you can see your progress in another way than just how many minutes you made it through.
    Not really only because if i end up concentrating on how many reps then i think i would cut corners and not squat right down or pull myself into a proper sit up/crunch in order to beat my last work out if that makes sense!
    I do 5 of each and just repeat until the 20 mins is up but if i cant finish the 20 minutes doing the reps then its all really about keeping ur heart rate up to help burn the calories! So when i first did it i could feel by the time i got to 12 mins that i wasnt able to do a full press up or sit up etc making the excerise pointless so i sort of pranced about to keep my heart rate up until my timer ran out haha woke up the nxt day and had pain in places i never knew existed so clearly was working but took 2 days to recover before i could do another squat haha pls bare in mind i have not worked out for 2/3 yrs hence the weight gain and the lack of stamina but screw it im doing something and i just hope it pays off! LBD her i come haha what have you been doing to aid ur weightloss?
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    sfhappy wrote: »
    Yes. Mindfulness. Awareness of our habits, or, in my case, non-habits. I am not very fond of routine. I always want a different meal or a different exercise or a different time.

    So glad Kim you have found a work out that suits you and also challenges you. That's important. Exercise that is more intense is beneficial. Otherwise, your body gets used to the "easy" level. I'm looking forward to a long walk tomorrow. In the evening I have a social event with the neighbors. That will mean wine and dessert, as well as dinner. Hopefully, I will be mindful.

    I've decided not to cut my hair until I lose another pound. (I do need a haircut!)

    Best Wishes for staying on track, everyone! o:)

    Good luck mrs, lets get you that hair cut :p
  • Kim2ka2
    Kim2ka2 Posts: 13
    Kim2ka2 wrote: »
    I am like that! I can be really good but then i get these crazy cravings and i just think i must have that packet of crisps and once i have them i get into the mind frame of well u messed up so have a fat day and start again tomorrow! But tomorrow doesnt come round so quickly! Wot an excuse to eat more rubbish! Lol

    That is exactly what happens to me. Before I know it I have eaten everything I avoided eating all day.

    Haha its just too easy, plus if u say no im not having that bar of chocolate its like u can hear it in the cupboard shouting until u give in, dam that intense urge! I also used to say "there is no calories if no one actually sees me eating it" or "i dont care im happy with my curves! i have nothing to prove" (nose growing longer everytime i said it) haha oh the excuses i made just to eat it! I love food so much but my body also loves it and keeps storing it in my hips and thighs lol
  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    Urges. Temptations. OMG! I realize I've been giving in! Excuses, excuses! I need to focus on discipline. Stick to the plan. This is my problem. Yes, that damn chocolate screams at me, too!
    (Off to Zumba this morning! What's for lunch?)
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    edited April 2015
    At my daughter's March 2012 wedding, I wore a size 12 dress for the first time in my life. A few months later, I started Grad School (in addition to my full-time job) and by Sept 2014, I had gained close to 40 lbs and size 16 clothes were getting tight.

    I want to wear that beautiful gown again to my friend's May 4, 2015 wedding. It was so beautiful, and I would love to get a second use out of it. Plus, I want to get back into my cute low-rise jeans, which I was wearing with my top TUCKED IN in 2012!
    The wedding is in 10 days, and I can put the dress on and zip it up, although it is a bit snug and my back rolls show. But at least I can wear it, and don't have to run out and buy something just because I got to big for the beautiful gown I already own.

    I am also sque-e-e-ezing into some others of my spring/summer clothes (including a few of the low-rise jeans) that I purchased in 2012. If I can just remain disciplined, and not start making excuses like "I'll just have one bite", then I should be OK for the wedding.

  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me :)