Trying but this is so hard

hello I am 37 and working on losing weight. I have a history of being obese and then two periods of being "too skinny" according to many around me. It's always a battle I come from a long line of overweight people so it seems even eating normally makes me gain weight. I am so tired of this everyday war and would love to be a healthy weight without having to give up life. It's exhausting. I got a fitbit almost a year ago and I love it and paired it with this app.

I just want some sense of normalcy without it killing me.

I could use all the support I could get.

I try to get to the gym three days a week... I hate it but it is necessary. Thank goodness for iPhones for the treadmill and movies on my iPad for the elliptical.

Just want my life back ... Actually in regards to this I just want a life where it doesn't control me.


  • sherryleeparker
    sherryleeparker Posts: 7 Member
    I too feel that it is hard and want to be at a healthy weight also. I also know that it is a life change that I have to make. I am working on doing things that are fun for me to do.

    My treadmill is now set up in my spare room along with a bike. I put a TV in the room so I would have something to take my mind off the workout and to workout longer. I do feel better when I exercise. It just is not my favorite thing to do.

    Logging my actions and tracking my food is a big help for me. I am finding it much easier not that I am able to keep it all on my computer with the fitness pal program.

    My hardest time of the day is after 7:00 pm. This is the time where I want to munch. Low fat popcorn has become my munching food.

    You are not alone in this battle. I too am there.

  • mjanaib
    mjanaib Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks love it's nice to know I am not the only one! Keep up the good work!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to you both :) Oh Hon, you're most definitely not alone on here! You'll find after a bit it's not so hard it won't be easy but it is simple. Wonderful tools here can help out by tracking meals, workouts etc. So glad you're here! :)
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    mjanaib, I feel your pain. I was never able to maintain a healthy weight. I automatically gain all the time unless I am really fighting to lose. For some of us, our genetics predisposes us to store calories more efficiently than others. This means that "eating normally" (if that means eating how others of normal weight eat), will probably not work for us. Our bodies are so efficient at storing calories that we actually need to eat fewer calories than "normal" and burn more calories than "normal" if we hope to reduce. Sucks, but that's Biology.
  • lbramsey
    lbramsey Posts: 7 Member
    Everyday is a struggle! Don't be too hard on yourself when you make a bad choice. Just dust yourself off and move on!