Fifty & Fat!

Coelho812 Posts: 4
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello :) I'm a 50 year old wife (married since 1988) and mother of one grown-up daughter. I live in Nottingham, UK and am desperate to get back down to my wedding day weight of 12st which means I have 4.5st to lose.


  • I think you are at a great start, but don't be to hard on yourself! Celebrate the little victories and have some fun with it! I set smaller goals for myself, and reevaluate once I hit them. Wish you the best of luck! :)
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome! Great goal! Happy to lend you some support if you'd like. Feel free to add me.
  • lynney_s
    lynney_s Posts: 89 Member
    SouthernChic79 is sooooo right. I've set myself 1/2 a stone at a time goals which is more achievable than aspiring to the 4 stone I want to loose. This app is great - you will get wonderful support and motivation.
