20lb loss by march 1st, anyone in?



  • I'm in, lost 10 so far. Only started this year and not sure how to add from the community page. Feel free to add me. Alone_trd@yahoo.com
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    So, I'm 9.5lbs down in 3 weeks and heading in the right direction. So just over 5 weeks to drop 10.5lbs....doable, I think.

    Keep it up everyone!!!
  • dcolema9
    dcolema9 Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    I wouldn't mind loosing 20lbs by March 1st! 26yo 6"1 295lbs. My goal weight is 235lbs. I'd like to loose 40lbs by Memorial Day. Any and all help/advise would be appreciated.
  • Id love to lose 20lbs by march first im on my way eating 1 small meal a day and alarge smoothie aday
  • rjrobert
    rjrobert Posts: 45 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm hoping on board this train. I'm down 7lbs so far this year. 20 lbs would be incredible microgoal. Lowest adult weight I hit was 284. I'm currently 297 so 20lbs would put me lower than my previous low. I'm 6'8" and want to get down to 225.

    Would love to add some friends along the journey so if your looking for a friend to help cheer, please feel free to add me.
  • I am in! Just started this journey and looking for motivation.
  • kasbyKSB wrote: »
    Hi I would like to give this a try - Just joined my fitness pal 3 days ago - My daily cal goal is 2000 - I'm very overweight - can anyone tell me if 2000 is too much ? Or shall I go down to 1200 and use exercise to bump it up ?

    My calorie intake is suppose to be 2,000. I lowered mine to 1,950 and I'm gonna try and come in at 1,850 a day. That extra 100 cals accounts for any underestimation I might have made in the food I eat throught the day.
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    kathf123 wrote: »
    I'm in for the challenge!!!
    kasbyKSB wrote: »
    Hi I would like to give this a try - Just joined my fitness pal 3 days ago - My daily cal goal is 2000 - I'm very overweight - can anyone tell me if 2000 is too much ? Or shall I go down to 1200 and use exercise to bump it up ?

    Hi Kasby,

    Your calorie goal can be very different from others depending on your height, weight, age, and activity level. Since I input my activity based on an activity tracker I always use the sedentary activity factor to get a more accurate calorie goal. If you are planning on inputting workouts I would use sedentary as activity level to get a more accurate calorie goal.

  • I am in.
    Lost 5 pounds when I weighed in Monday! Still have about 245 to go. But 20 by March sounds great!!
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    I'd love to lose 20 lbs by March 1st. My bday is March 17th. So far I've only been losing 5 lbs a month. Since I came into this 10 days late though 20 lbs isn't going to happen. Maybe 15 lbs???
  • I im too ill fr you thanx
  • nnorwood1
    nnorwood1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm all in! My goal this year is to loose 60lbs.
  • I'm in! I need this!
  • MzBossy
    MzBossy Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to join. my intake is 1200 cals and my current weight is 179.
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Hi everyone! How's it going? I'm down 11lbs so far so am on track for 20lbs down by 1st March. Very happy!!!
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    I had a hiccup. MY scale broke so I had to buy a new one. I had to reset my MFP to match my weight on the new scale. It sais I am heavier by 5 pounds! I know I still lost that five pounds but its messing with me mentally. I do see very big changes in my body already tho! Mt trainer is going to do my measurements for me next week, at the 4 week mark. The true results will show then :) So, I most likely will not make 20 but I will still try my hardest everyday! :)
  • laurenkcoffman
    laurenkcoffman Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! How's it going? I'm down 11lbs so far so am on track for 20lbs down by 1st March. Very happy!!!

    Congrats! I went on a cruise and am down 1 pound lol... Now I just need to bust my butt the next 5 weeks!!
  • I'm all in! My goal this year is to loose 140lbs. Started on monday my intake 1680 cals .
  • xoveronica
    xoveronica Posts: 56 Member
    3lbs down! Keep up the hard work guys :smiley:
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Hi All!!!

    How's everyone doing? My weight loss has slowed a little but it's still coming off. I'm 12lbs down since Jan 1st so hoping to lose a steady 2lbs per week in Feb to hit the 20lbs off by 1st March.

    Good Luck everyone!!!!