Hi! I used to weigh 210lbs and I'd love to share my tips as well as learn new ones, add me!

I'd love to connect to learn new workout techniques as well as share my own. I used to weigh 210lbs, no joke! I love to hike, hit the gym and run with my dog! Add me! <3


  • prince4me
    Hi fabster93! Congratulations on your weight loss! I just started using mfp a few days ago and I really love it! I'm actually on weight watchers so tracking comes easy for me because I'm use to it. The difference is that with weight watchers I don't get to see the calories because they have been converted to points but I love the fact that I can see how much protein, carbs etc. I am consuming! I love working out! 6 days a week- it's such a habit like brushing my teeth. Lol! Keep up the "great work" !!!