How many days a week should I do weights/cardio?

i was thinking about doing Insanity every other day and weight train every other day as well.
Weights (lower body)
Weights (upper body)
Weights (full body)

....would I see results following this? My goal is to lose fat and build muscle (tone up, as I compete in beauty pageants)
Any tips, suggestions, advise will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you I'm advance!!


  • Nitsirhc16
    Nitsirhc16 Posts: 4 Member
    You will definitely bulk up doing that! Make sure you're eating enough to sustain that lifestyle though. I see lots and lots of protein in your future meals!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I would suggest you read the "so you want a nice stomach" sticky.

    "Weights" could mean anything. What routine are you following? What recovery/progression/set/reps/exercises does it contain?

    Fat loss is a function of diet. Optimal fat loss is diet couple with a sensible progressive resistance routine.

    Pairing an effective lifting routine with insanity will likely burn you out quickly (unless you have already built a great work capacity). Insanity contains lots of plyos and intervals which tend to hit CNS recovery. As the weeks go by you'll dig yourself into a bigger and bigger hole and start to feel like crap...

    Finally, there's a lot of debate about it, but you're unlikely to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously (unless you fall into a specific sub-set of trainees). What you describe as toning is a function of retaining your existing muscle mass and losing fat. You may look like your more muscular, but that's because you're more defined not because you've added significant mass...