85 pounds to lose

So my New Years resolution was to stop making excuses and FINALLY do something about all the weight I've put on.
Lost 4 pounds so far, have a long way to go but I'm motivated and determined.
Anyone in the same position or have any tips.
Thanks x


  • When I started MFP I had about 85 pounds to lose. I am down 14 pounds. Congrats on your 4 pounds lost! After my many and failed attempts to lose weight what has helped me is taking things one day at a time, one pound at a time and a lot of forgiveness (to yourself) Make obtainable goals so you don't get overwhelmed and give up, and if you are thinking or saying the word "diet" stop, this is a lifestyle change that will have to be in place forever and ever.
    Add me if you would like
  • Congrats on your 4 pounds. I'm also new here and I have the same resolution. I want to loose 44 pounds but most important: I want to feel healthy :) I tried a lot of crash diets but afterwards I only gained more then I had lost. Now I just want to eat healthy. No diet.
  • RRBww
    RRBww Posts: 40 Member
    Also trying for 85 pounds right now. Of course I'm much older, so it might take a while :)
    Good luck!
  • leannegallimore
    leannegallimore Posts: 7 Member
    Hello :) I'm new here and wanting to lose around 75lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • When I started MFP I had about 85 pounds to lose. I am down 14 pounds. Congrats on your 4 pounds lost! After my many and failed attempts to lose weight what has helped me is taking things one day at a time, one pound at a time and a lot of forgiveness (to yourself) Make obtainable goals so you don't get overwhelmed and give up, and if you are thinking or saying the word "diet" stop, this is a lifestyle change that will have to be in place forever and ever.
    Add me if you would like

    Thank you!
    Yeah it's the diet word that I need to get out of my head.
  • Congrats on your 4 pounds. I'm also new here and I have the same resolution. I want to loose 44 pounds but most important: I want to feel healthy :) I tried a lot of crash diets but afterwards I only gained more then I had lost. Now I just want to eat healthy. No diet.

    I've tried every crash diet there is and they only make me put on double what I've lost.
    Definitely staying away from them this year onwards!!
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    Good job! I'm new on here too, looking to lose about 75 pounds. Down about 8 right now. Add me if you want!
  • ChickadeeBrown
    ChickadeeBrown Posts: 5 Member
    I am in te same boat. I have more to lose but my first long term goal is 85 lbs. iv really struggled with the emotional part of all this. Last year I lost over fifty pounds. I was doing so well when I had a huge falling out with my mother and spent the year emotionally eating it all back. I feel helpless most of the time. I loved what Victoria said about forgiveness and being kind to yourself I have been really bullying myself lately. And calling myself fat. I can't seem to find my way back.
  • kiralu76
    kiralu76 Posts: 28 Member
    Here I am again!! I had some good days last year, and a lot of bad days. I lost 20 lb and then gained it all back, and then some. I am starting afresh again today, with about 90 lbs to lose.
    I would love some additional support along the way!