Bikini by July 4th Challenge? Anyone up for it?!

My goal is to wear a bikini for the July 4th weekend when we go away on vacation! I'd love some buddies to help keep me accountable until then and I'd love to help motivate others too! We'd do a weekly check-in thread. The challenge would start on Monday (eek!!), so this challenge would go for the next eight weeks leading up to the July 4th weekdn. Any other suggestions on things to add to this challenge/check-in group are definitely welcome.

Bikinis here we come!!!!


  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    I started in January and that has been my ultimate goal : ) Unfortunately I thought I would lose a little bit more by now and haven't but I haven't given up!
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I would love to but I think I'm a little ways away from a But I will do it anyway. Any little bit helps! :)
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    We have super similar stats and goals, Heather! How tall are you? I'm hoping to get to 135 and then firm, tone and tighten. I'd be SO super thrilled to be 135 by July 4th--doable, I think. Maybe you're just in a plateau?!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I would love to like how I look in a bathing suit on the 4th of July! I'm up for a having a group to check in weekly with on progress. My plan right now is to get in 30 minutes of exercise daily and track all food. I've been thinking about starting 30 Day Shred again so I will plan on doing a 30 minute work out dvd or run for 30 minutes during the week. I'll post my stats on Monday. Good luck!
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    We have super similar stats and goals, Heather! How tall are you? I'm hoping to get to 135 and then firm, tone and tighten. I'd be SO super thrilled to be 135 by July 4th--doable, I think. Maybe you're just in a plateau?!

    I don't know - this is the first time I am trying to lose weight since having my daughter so I think everything just really slowed down. 10lbs in 14 weeks isn't bad but its not as fast as I used to lose weight.... I work out 3-5 days a week, 65min and stregnth train at least 30min a week. And watch what I eat... so I know I am doing everything right. Have tried zig zagging, upping calories, lowering calories... I think I have tricked my body so much it doesn't know where to go ... so now I am just doing what the old book says, eat less.. move more... its coming off just not fast. I would like to be in the 120's before I wear a bikini ... so I hope to at least be 129 by July 4th ( which would be 20lbs ) - I am 5'3'' .
  • blcotton
    blcotton Posts: 43
    FINALLY:) a challenge with my ultimate goal! Since I started trying to get off all this weight in December this has been my goal. I am going to Virginia Beach with my family and one of my best friends and I would love to be able to wear a bikini by then. Though I don't really have a bikini body...I am very curvy and have a bigger frame. I am 5'6" and am trying to lose about 40 more pounds this year to reach about 145 which is my recommended weight for my height. So where will we post our daily weigh in's...just on our own profile pages or will there be another thread under motivation and support for it?
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    me me me me me - That is my aim for this summer to wear my first ever bikini (well since I was a child anyway) I always cover my bottom half up in mens swimming shorts. I am 6lbs away from my goal although I am pretty sure I will change my goal when I reach it. If anyone has any amazing exercises for thighs I would be most grateful that s my real problem area that even though I have lost the weight I have they still seem huge (even though the tape measure say they have got quite a bit smaller)!!

    I am all up for motivating and supporting people so please feel free to add me if you want some :)

    Good luck everyone.

    Oh just thought if I continue to lose 1lb per week I will be below my goal by July 4th :)

    What do you need from us??

    Im 5ft 6" currently at 132lbs and my goal for now is 126lbs
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    me me me me me - That is my aim for this summer to wear my first ever bikini (well since I was a child anyway) I always cover my bottom half up in mens swimming shorts. I am 6lbs away from my goal although I am pretty sure I will change my goal when I reach it. If anyone has any amazing exercises for thighs I would be most grateful that s my real problem area that even though I have lost the weight I have they still seem huge (even though the tape measure say they have got quite a bit smaller)!!

    I am all up for motivating and supporting people so please feel free to add me if you want some :)

    Good luck everyone.

    Great to stick with 1 lb a week! For thighs - try Jillian Michael's no more trouble zones - you can pick a circuit for specific areas or do the whole thing and cardio will help.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I don't know - this is the first time I am trying to lose weight since having my daughter so I think everything just really slowed down. 10lbs in 14 weeks isn't bad but its not as fast as I used to lose weight.... I work out 3-5 days a week, 65min and stregnth train at least 30min a week. And watch what I eat... so I know I am doing everything right. Have tried zig zagging, upping calories, lowering calories... I think I have tricked my body so much it doesn't know where to go ... so now I am just doing what the old book says, eat less.. move more... its coming off just not fast. I would like to be in the 120's before I wear a bikini ... so I hope to at least be 129 by July 4th ( which would be 20lbs ) - I am 5'3'' .

    I have read that to even out your metabolism to try something like eating 12 calories for every pound you weigh. For example, I am 138 lbs x 12= 1656 for six weeks to give yourself a platform. Because I feel like that is a really high amount for myself to meet and lose weight I try to consume around 1400 but everyone is different. I think that if you can maintain the same calorie intake daily your metabolism will even out. Good luck!
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Yay, I'm so glad we already have a great group of women interested in this challenge!!! YAY!!!!!

    I will post Monday with our first check-in, which will ask for all the details... height, starting weight, goal weight, etc...

    As far as exercises for thighs.... ChaLEAN Extreme has been kicking my booty all over the place. I cannot believe how it has reshaped my thighs/butt/hips. The squats and lunges and sumo lunges are AMAZING! I just started Brazil Butt Lift to target that area more and I've also started to do some running/high intensity cardio to try to blast off the remaining layer of chub.

    We can do it girls!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HelenTheKitchen
    My daughter decided when she was born that her room should stay nice and stretched out and comfy in case she didn't like the world. The good news is she never felt the need to return, the bad news is no one ever went back to straighten things up. I'll be in a very very cute one piece by July 4th, but a bikini will only see this body again if it comes along with a scalpel and pro-bono plastic surgeon. I'm cool with it though.

    I hope everyone who partakes reaches their goals, and please PLEASE wear your bikini for an extra hour or so for me!!!

    You're gonna look beautiful!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    thankyou for the tips :)

    see you all monday
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    JOIN US!

    We're starting a BIKINI BY JULY 4TH CHALLENGE tomorrow! First check-in will be Monday, May 9th and we'll go for 8wks up until the July 4th weekend. Our goal is to wear a bikini (or hot tankini/one-piece) this summer. Here's to not having to having to worry about cover-ups or sarongs. Let's do this girls!!!!!!

    This group will all be about motivation, inspiration, advice, encouragement and bikini sisterhood. :D
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    i would love to join! i need motivation to push myself...
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I will join! I am in NZ so July is winter for me :P BUT in the last week of June I am going to Vanuatu and so my goal is to be happy in my bikini by the 19th June - 6 weeks away!
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    Hey I love this challenge idea!! Count me in!! :)
  • carlye14
    carlye14 Posts: 53
    I'm in! I want to be able to feel comfortable in my own body without covering it up or avoiding the beach and pools all together! I am 5'4'' and 139lbs, so I am trying to lose 19 lbs by June 15th (5.5 weeks away!). I have joined a gym and have lost two lbs already! I want to keep this up and lose more weight and get healthier.
    I bought 30 day shred in december, and did it for about a week. I want to incorporate that into my schedule in addition to the gym.

    Good luck to everyone out there!
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    I am definitely in! Have a couple July vacations, so this will be perfect in getting ready for them.
  • haydan7707
    haydan7707 Posts: 22 Member
    I'd love to join!
    SW 165
    GW 145
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Me too! Me too! This sounds like a great idea. Probably shouldn't have had the Chick-Fil-A breakfast this morning, but hopefully you girls can help keep me away from it for the next 8 weeks :)