Need friends to keep me on track!



  • Add me too. I'm new to this . I'm 37 and I'm mum to 4 children. I'm on a career break whilst I adopt a little one and have let the pounds creep's time for me to take back control but need back up to stay motivated :D
  • Just added you all! Thank you so much! Totally need some buddies here!
  • dogspd
    dogspd Posts: 2
    Add me!
  • neh979
    neh979 Posts: 18
    Feel free to add me..I have 50 lbs to loose .Hope we can motivate each other and keep each other on track :-)
    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    soundz good
    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome to the jungle here you have come to the right place for support. I teach and coach and the job constraints and demands have caused me to be sickened by what I see in the mirror and need the encouragement too. So feel free to add me anyone who wants help and wants to give help as well.

    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    soundz good...
    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    neh979 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me..I have 50 lbs to loose .Hope we can motivate each other and keep each other on track :-)
    milliesc10 wrote: »
    Add me too. I'm new to this . I'm 37 and I'm mum to 4 children. I'm on a career break whilst I adopt a little one and have let the pounds creep's time for me to take back control but need back up to stay motivated :D

    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    neh979 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me..I have 50 lbs to loose .Hope we can motivate each other and keep each other on track :-)
    milliesc10 wrote: »
    Add me too. I'm new to this . I'm 37 and I'm mum to 4 children. I'm on a career break whilst I adopt a little one and have let the pounds creep's time for me to take back control but need back up to stay motivated :D

    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    soundz good...
    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi im ellie, im also a mother. I have a 3 year old son. I am at 250 and i feel like ill never lose the weight, its so hard. I want to be at 140 and it seems impossible, j have no support system, no friends and my husband is fit so i feel like noone understands or can talk to me. I also avoid going out because im embarrassed of how fat i let myself get, i dont know how i let myself get here.

    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    you can do it sista!! but first if you lost your waisline dont loose your life over it...meaning your husbands interest and you(your fun personality) we have to always learn to be comfortable in our own skin big or are spirit and we live in the just want to do some house cleaning..but have fun doing it and let your family see you having fun to make them want to join in!!! you can do it!!!
    MEATBONE1 Posts: 18 Member
    by the way..140lbs is way too much to focus on at the beginning. girl I weighed 210 beginning of last week. Ive never been over 200, but want to be at 150. child please...Im only trying to just get to 200 lbs. now im at 204.6..almost there!!! make short acheiveable goals so you can be proid of yourself...
  • I'd like more friends and accountability! Add me :)
  • kimberlyrenee2008
    kimberlyrenee2008 Posts: 604 Member
    Hey girl! Feel free to add me.. I'm looking to lose about 60-70 lbs as well :)
  • The more friends, the better! Add me :)
  • ebyla85
    ebyla85 Posts: 127 Member
    Add me !
  • esjnes
    esjnes Posts: 1
    I am a mom of 4 and have 40 lbs to lose.
    Please add me as well ladies!
  • Tricia_wright
    Tricia_wright Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me too. We can all help each other.
  • Hi I'm Jason 42 and husband/father of 1 we can motivate each other