Differences between VivoSmart/Garmin Connect and MFP calories remaining for the day

Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me why my calories remaining for the day are vastly different between Garmin Connect and MFP. Everything is synced up and working with the proper calories and exercise as far as I can tell. MFP says "Garmin Connect calories burned 3240" with a "Garmin Connect calories adjustment of 147". So it takes my calories allowed for the day of 2,790 and subtracts food consumed of 2,154 calories then adds the 147 calorie adjustment for my remaining calories of 783.

On the Garmin connect, it simply shows my 2,790 total calories, then my 2154 consumed minus 513 active calories burned leaving 1,641 left for the day. Can anyone explain why there is such a big difference for the day between the two programs. They have the same information, but they come up with a different result. BTW, these numbers are from my 6'7" boyfriend's program. I have the same problem, so which program's remaining calorie count should we use?

ChubbyBecks1963 :) and Hawkboy71


  • I'd like to know too!
  • hislittlelights
    hislittlelights Posts: 21 Member
    having same problem, don't know who to believe, so I've been going with the lower of the two, which is consistently MFP, so I don't overconsume calories. But would really like to know why these numbers are so far off sometimes!
  • Surely someone must know...
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I think it's because Garmin and MFP use different BMR formulae. I generally go by MFP calories, but at a rough pinch I can guestimate how many calories extra I've burned by multiplying my Garmin "Active" calories by 0.9 then adding to my MFP sedentary calories (1485). It works pretty well for me. I'm anal though and checked it against a scatter plot of Garmin Active calories v. MFP target calories.
  • actually, I don't use either number. I keep manually disconnecting the two programs so that there is NO calorie adjustment. I need to stick to 1436 calories per day as my trainer directs -- and I don't want to eat back exercise calories anyway.
  • Garmin Formula:
    Remaining Calories = Calories Goal - (Consumed - Active)

    My Fitness Paul Formula:
    Remaining Calories = Calories Goal - Consumed - Active

    That's why the numbers come out different.

    Personally, I think the formula by Garmin is correct. My Remaining Calories should increase as I do more exercise, not less.
  • ruffin04rhodes
    ruffin04rhodes Posts: 8 Member
    I would trust Garmin Connect over MFP...especially if a heart rate monitor is being used during exercise.
  • LP_1982
    LP_1982 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    I see that this is a pretty old thread, but I am having the same issues with Garmin vs MFP for remaining calories. The Garmin number seems so high. For example, today is 876 vs 290. Has anyone found their results vary with choosing one or the other?
  • malinalee700
    malinalee700 Posts: 10 Member
    I emailed Chris and Heidi Powell, I asked them if I should eat the calories remaining in either apps. I want to lose more than 2lbs per week. They recommend that I do not eat the remaining calories in order to create a greater deficit. Any other opinions would be helpful. Thanks :smiley:

    Garmin: goal 1500+ active 773= adjusted goal 2273
    Adjusted goal 2273 - Consumed 1302 = remaining 971

    MFP: goal 1500 - food 1303 + exercise 724 = remaining 921