Hi there

ilovepoohbear Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I have 2 friends who are losing weight by using this site. After posting my food intake for the day, I went over by quite a bit. I am hoping that if I post my food intake every day, I will figure out how to eat better and lower my A1C.


  • ktyantis
    ktyantis Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! You will do great! When I first started, I was like whoa!!! there is a lot more calories in "this" or "that" than I thought there was. It's hard to stick to some days with all the temptations out there — but it gets easier and it also makes you feel better!!! good luck!!!
  • thank you for the kind words
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    It's true, it does get easier, and you learn so much! Not to mention support, the support from others on MFP is truly amazing. Best of luck to you :smile:
  • adrianneyk
    adrianneyk Posts: 14
    I used this site before then stopped for a while and went back to Weight Watchers online. The thing about WW online was that their food listings are very limited. MFP has unlimited food listings plus the bar code scanner for the mobile app (super cool). I too went over my calorie goal today and probably will for a couple of days as I re-acclimate. I too really want to be healthier and reduce A1C and triglycerides. One question-do you or anyone you know count non-starchy veggies as "free?Especially things like lettuce and salad greens. It just seems logical to me.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Totally true. Once you start paying attention to what you are eating, you will alter your eating and shopping habits. The big one for me was sodium. I couldn't believe how much sodium and salt was in everything. (You can track that if you change your settings). You start paying a lot more attention to labels. Also, just by switching to light and fat free you can save tons of calories and you don't really notice any difference. After you eat within the guidelines for a while, your stomach shrinks and you don't really need as much food to fill up. My wife and I both joined at the same time and we eat a lot more fruit and vegetables now. I've learned to eat every couple hours - healthy snacks between meals - just so you never get really hungry. Also, that is supposed to keep your metabolism up since your body assumes there will always be food available so it merrily keeps burning calories without storing some calories as fat. Anyway, you will be amazed at how much you will learn going through this process and reading what others have to say. This site is truly awesome. Wishing you great success and welcome.
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