Work schedule is super crazy

LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I have 2 jobs. One job is 2 days a week about 3 hrs per each day. The 2nd job is 24 hrs a day 2-3 days a week.

I'm on my feet at both jobs a lot. When I'm home I'm going to be busy doing yard work this summer. I'm going to try to get to the gym as much as possible, but with it being about 20 miles away one way and the price of gas, its going to be hard.

I can go to the gym at my other job as long as the person I'm taking care of is sleeping, and my Mom is here with her also.

Does anyone else have a crazy work schedule?


  • kingurgio
    kingurgio Posts: 8
    LaDawn, it sounds like you need to find a good recource for at home workouts. A simple one to start with is Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds". She has many different programs, of varying difficulty and they combine cardio with some weight bearing exercises.
  • I currently commute 1.5-2 hours each way M-F to my full time job (which is ending soon). I also work 25+ hours across all days, esp. Sundays about 20 minutes away (my dream job but doesn't pay much). All in all I'm barely home and feel like I waste a lot of time driving. I know how you feel except there is a gym nearby where I live but the gym near my far job isn;t open at the right time. Combined I work 65 hours or more each week. This is my first week really working at things and I lost more than the 2 fluctuating lbs when I was just tracking food. Now, with the effort even 3-4 days a week 30 min and tracking food (far from perfect), I lost 3 lbs. I'm stoked!! I have about 60 lbs total so my 5 total is only a 1/12 but its the best I have done since my daughter was born 3 years ago and I out most of it on. Sorry if this is running long but be encouraged. You are not alone here and I am finding that once YOU decide to make the effort, you will do it, probably with bumps but nevertheless you will do it if you focus and don't let bumps upset you much,
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