acai berry

Does anyone have any experience taking Acai Berry products??? I have heard that it helps with digestion and hunger control issues, as well as cleaning out your system? I would love some feed back, am wanting to boost my health and weight loss program with some natural supplements. Word of mouth is the best selling point for me on what i should try. Thanks, Connie:tongue:


  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    im sure it was them that were dismissed on a tv program as useless......
  • gonnabeskinny2011
    I took some with a colon cleanse from ahealth shop, don't know about suppressing hunger, but felt like i'd had a colonic irrigation next
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member

    from what ive read and heard i think its pretty much just a scam

    ive read many articles regarding experts skeptical about acai claims

    i think its just a fad and in south america they would laugh at us because its like strawberries to them
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I also fell for the acai berry and some kind of colon clense... you have to be careful of where you get the pills to take... most aren't processed right away so you get the nutrients and if they aren't they won't work. I have no idea of the right ones to get as far as acai berry goes. I didn't feel any different taking either of the pills, and it really didn't help lose any weight, it was like I started them, only took them for a little while, maybe a month, stopped taking them... and that's when I saw a little bit of weight loss, but it wasn't anything significant, a total loss of 6 pounds lost, so in my opinion they aren't worth it.

    If you want something all natural, and will suppress your hunger... you need to try Nutrilite products! They are all natural, Nutrilite Slimmetry is wonderful, helps you stick to your portion size, you are fuller (less hungry) a lot of times when I take them, 20-30 minutes before meals, I sometimes forget to eat that meal because I simply wasn't hungry... not that that is a good thing, but it really helps to keep you eating the right portion sizes oh and they give you lots of energy as well!

    I do sell or promote these products, but I use them as well, and I've noticed a huge difference when I take them all the time, and when I slack on taking them.

    If you want more info just message me :)
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    Im taking them now. I started just the other day and i take one in the morning ans one after tea.

    I let you know how i go
  • connieholiday
    thank you all for your input, i appreciate it greatly!!! :smooched:
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    It's junk. Drink more water and add more fiber in the way of spinach, broccoli, etc.
  • tylerlikegirls
    Sometimes post workout ill get an acai berry smoothie and a shot of wheatgrass...I dont really know about supressing hunger and I havent really noticed anything out of the ordinary with it, but it sure is tasty compared to a lot of the other stuff I have to take