New Chapter. New discipline. New motivation. New self-care. New me.

Biggest problem for me is staying disciplined with diet and exercise. I have great intentions...
Well, this time I am going to stick with it. My sons are grown and have moved out. I am on my own. No excuses :) I want to take care of myself for a change and not just with diet and exercise but also with the moisturizer, the housework, entertainment, and friends. I have to change a lot of habits. But I do aim to be that lean, mean machine one day! :wink:


  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi there. How exciting for you! You can stick to it this time, free of distractions. Just be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes.
  • I am in the same boat. I used to be extremely disciplined and can be now in some areas of life but as time passes and your priorities change, exercise and healthy eating doesn't always seem to be what you think makes you happy. I'm focused on that when things get tough; what will make me happy? Being fit and healthy will ☺️
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I know what you mean! :)

    My youngest is graduating high school this yr and off to college. Older kid is already moved out.

    This time around I am highly motivated since I have some feet issues and never want to go back to that pain and mess.

    Maintaining my hobbies is also big on my priority list. I like to garden and landscape and I need to be healthy & strong to continue with that.

    I always start the new yr. with my reg. health exams too. It keeps me honest.

    Good Luck to you!

    Jeannine in MO.
  • DanElizKim
    DanElizKim Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Jeannine! Thank for this post. I am sorry that I did not respond to your post. It seems like we have some things in common with the children moving out, feet issues, and the gardening. I've been out in the garden quite a bit recently and that has perked me up.
    It has been a long hiatus since I have been doing fitness pal and went off my health path. I got sick with several things over a period of 2 months and lost momentum, but for the last several days I have gone on some long bike trips and am feeling motivated again! I guess I will not beat myself up for my slip but just pick up the pieces and move forward. I am looking for a fitness pal "buddy" to exchange notes with and encourage each other, let me know if you are up that. Yours, Daniela