started jan 1

Love this place, I feel good and don't feel pressured into making my goal in a hurry.
My problem because of phyical problems can't do alot of running or walking any suggestions. I do have a stationary bike I use.
Please reply with anything


  • karen0175
    Hi. Swimming is really good and is low impact. The stationary bike will really help too. Good luck.
  • DragonChild93
    Yoga and palates can be a really great way to lose weight without intensive cardio exercises. Both can be modified and don't force you to do more than you're able to do. I'd recommend either finding a local group who meets to do these with, buying dvd's you can do at home, or searching on YouTube. There are a lot of awesome exercise videos for free on YouTube! :D There are also a lot of posts on that have workout suggestions if you search for 'workouts'

    Good luck out there! I know you can do it!