Excersise Calories!?

What If I don't want to eat them back, is it a bad thing if I don't. Yes, for the past 6 days I have been eating them and beyond:embarassed: But Its jus now that I am actually thinking about it, I am eating back all my hard work!! And I don't like that at all..
What does net mean too?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    there are no rules that says you must eat those back..if you want its your personal choice..if you dont want..then dont..

    i never did..i lifted and did cardio both and non worse for it.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    There is a lot of debate about that around here, but here is what has worked for me

    I joined this site in January and spent January sticking to 1200 calories a day and never eating back any of my exercise calories. I only lost 3lbs in the entire month of January. Then in February I tried eating back my exercise calories (all of them) and only lost 2lbs that month. I got pretty frustrated and quit for about 2 weeks and when I started up again I started eating about 1/3 - 1/2 of my exercise calories and have been losing about 3lbs a week consistently for the past 7 weeks since I have been doing it that way. This could partially be because I don't measure everything and could be underestimating what I eat and also I don't have an HRM and I think that this site overestimates calories burned. I know that I will probably have to change things up at some point (when I get closer to a healthy weight) but doing it this way is working for now. I don't think that weight loss is 'one size fits all' and that people just need to experiment a little to see what works for them.
  • keynesian
    keynesian Posts: 44 Member
    You need to do what works for you and that means you need to experiment. We're all unique after all! I probably eat between a half and two thirds back most days but today for example when I'm planning a long bike ride and no gym, I'll be eating back only about a quarter.
  • carrielovesfanta
    Net calories means the total you have eaten (i.e. 1600) minus the total exercise calories (i.e. 400), which gives you a net of 1200 calories.

    I have read that your net shouldn't regularly (so not more than a couple of times a week or so) go below 1100 or you risk your body's metabolism slowing down. Obviously I'm not a personal trainer so I can't confirm this. However, I have lost 3 stone, and never go below 1100 net.

    And yes, maybe if you are using the site's estimates, probably log half of the calories estimated, it looks a little high to me!