Hi-Quitting Alcohol and night time snacking?

Hi all--looking to find a connection of anyone who wants to quit alcohol and night time snacking--my biggest down falls. Any one want to buddy up with me? Working mom of 4. Thanks.


  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Hi. I will send you an friend request. Working mom of 3. Giving up alcohol is hard for me because I love wine but am trying.
  • Bellfam33
    I am with you both! Working mom of 3.. LOVE Red wine. Have 30 lbs to lose but just can't get started. Couple of years ago was running a couple of miles 4/5 nights a week but stopped and now feel to fat to get back out there again. I sit at work all day and then have gotten into the habit of making the kid runs in the evening then having a couple glasses of wine and go to bed... ugh!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Hey @Bellfam33 Sounds like me. I have been doing this since August of 2014. I was doing awesome until the holidays. Lots of sugar. Lots of wine. I sit all day at work, too. My daily calorie limit is 1200. I kicked it back into gear about a week ago and finally got down to where I was before the holidays. My goal is 140, so I have 53 pounds to go.
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    I am glad I came across this post because I LOVE my nightly wine and/or margaritas!! I'm a sahm of 2 boys that are in school and care for 2 small girls ages 12 months and 3 years old during the day...I have made it a ritual to relax in my tub with my wine or margarita lol. I know this is DETRIMENTAL in my weight loss efforts and looking to quit. Most of my friends think im being silly bc they don't drink at all, so I feel like they cant be as supportive because they dont understand it. I would love the extra moral support!! I did really well tonight. I also have a friend (more my husbands friend) that comes over pretty much every night with alcohol. he is a very good family friend, and helps us out financialy, or with whatever we need help with, so it is very tempting...as he likes me to buy me shoes, chocolate or wine when he comes over. I would LOVE the extra support.
  • sirroml
    Ugh!! I LOVE MY WINE AND BEER!! I work full time and from march till November close to 70hours a week. And I have 1 child. My wine at night .... while working from home is the only thing that keeps me sane. Currently 183 but want to be 140. I am athletic-ish so exersicing and running arent that big of a deal. Its the snacking at niggt and the drinking. Only way to not drink is be preggo. And we plan on doing tough mudder on aug. 1 so no babies till after that. Hopefully this app and you others can help! Xo. Lynnette
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    I feel you...I'm not sure how I got into that routine of wine and alcohol but I sure did!! My goal this week is to limit it to 4 days, next week 3 days, next week 2 days and keep it at that. 43 pounds is very doable. Good luck!! we can do it.

    sirroml wrote: »
    Ugh!! I LOVE MY WINE AND BEER!! I work full time and from march till November close to 70hours a week. And I have 1 child. My wine at night .... while working from home is the only thing that keeps me sane. Currently 183 but want to be 140. I am athletic-ish so exersicing and running arent that big of a deal. Its the snacking at niggt and the drinking. Only way to not drink is be preggo. And we plan on doing tough mudder on aug. 1 so no babies till after that. Hopefully this app and you others can help! Xo. Lynnette

  • rachiesretrokitchen
    I am giving up alcohol completely and trying to lose the weight I have stacked on in the last 5 years. Alluding p I have 40kgs to lose so feel free to add me if anyone would like a buddy. I'm non judgy and eat every day normal food and have an open diary :)
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    People will say one glass of wine or one beer is not bad for you. But I can't stop at one. With alcohol and me it is all or nothing. So, I have to choose nothing.
  • Mizpierce
    Mizpierce Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Im pretty new to this. Im a SAHM to 2 kids also trying to give up wine and beer. Trying to finally lose the baby weight (2 yrs later!) I could definitely use and give some support!