Too young for this

I am 27 5'4 and weigh 258lbs and I can't help but think I'm too young to feel this bad. I already have trouble with my knees and can't keep up with my six year old son. I am on day 6 and have lost 2 lbs but I really need friends and support to keep me motivated. I have religiously logged everything I put in my body down to the tasting and nibbling we all do when we cook, but I am so scared this is going to be a week thing and I'm gonna go right back to my ways. And exercise have mercy I just can't seem to get myself on board with it. I hurt soo bad the next day that it's hard to do my job. Something's gotta give or my body is going to give out!!!!


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I've felt that way before. Learning I had the beginnings of serious heart disease at age 35 really hit me hard and gave me a lot of motivation.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there Megan,
    Welcome to MFP!

    Starting anything new can be scary, it's a whole new lifestyle after - all! That is the first 2 lb of many to come, you obviously want that healthy lifestyle enough.. now you just have to make it work for you and embrace it for the awesome change that it is.

    Wishing you complete success!

  • megandonn7
    Thank you
  • kegglemax
    take baby steps.. start intaking alot of water (if you dont) through out the day and do power walks when you have the time for 20-30 minutes atleast once a day, dont worry about excersizing so hard... as you lose weight excersizing will become easier on your knees, good luck :)
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    You don't need to throw yourself into exercising. Someone mentioned walking and that's a great exercise. It might help you to watch youtube videos, pick out the moves you're able to do for the reps you can do, and sit out the rest.

    Congrats on your loss!
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I hear you. I too was scared that I would dump the diet after a week, a month, whatever. I was scared I would decide it was too hard, not worth it, not right now. I was scared I would get a disappointing number on the scale and think "forget it, I guess I can't lose weight". Well, here I am, 20 pounds lighter, still going after months. Yes, I had setbacks, but I kept my head up and kept going. You can too. We can do this together. Even if you have a bad day, a bad week, a bad month on the diet, it's never too late to dust yourself off and get back on that horse. Because as long as you haven't given up, you haven't failed. Support is essential. Everyone here is here to help, so use it!
  • rachiesretrokitchen
    Dont be too hard on yourself. I come in around the same weight as you and I am finding it hard to getting moving too. Coming from being really sedentary to exercising is going to take baby steps... this isnt the Biggest Loser (lord how I hate that show and its bs expectations). Anyhoo... ANY exercise you do, no matter how small DOES add up. Is half an hour too daunting? Do 10 a 10 minute walk with your little one or go to the park and constantly move whilst your there. Do another 10 minute walk when you can in the afternoon. Do a 10-15 minute body weight resistance youtube video. It all adds up. Then you can improve on it next week by adding 5 more minutes to your sessions.
  • Ambymaries
    Ambymaries Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sorry, computer acting up and posted twice :/
  • Ambymaries
    Ambymaries Posts: 26 Member
    I find exercise painful too (especially since I've put on weight). I used to be a runner after I lost about 50lbs, so less weight to throw on my joints... now that I'm a bit heavier, I stick to walking and swimming (less impact, less ouch). Have you considered swimming or pool walking/running? Light yoga, could help too (there's tons of videos online for yoga sequences). Once you do some lighter stuff, you can build up :) That's what I plan on doing, starting with a lower intensity run/walk plan in the coming weeks to try to get myself back to the old me again.

    I'll send a friend request, I need some new support around MFP too :)

    Best of luck!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    megandonn7 wrote: »
    I am 27 5'4 and weigh 258lbs and I can't help but think I'm too young to feel this bad. I already have trouble with my knees and can't keep up with my six year old son. I am on day 6 and have lost 2 lbs but I really need friends and support to keep me motivated. I have religiously logged everything I put in my body down to the tasting and nibbling we all do when we cook, but I am so scared this is going to be a week thing and I'm gonna go right back to my ways. And exercise have mercy I just can't seem to get myself on board with it. I hurt soo bad the next day that it's hard to do my job. Something's gotta give or my body is going to give out!!!!

    Hang in there, Megan. You have at least realized that you are in a bad situation. This is the first step--and some never get past that.

    As far as exercising, even the walking you do around the house counts as exercise. You don't have to jog five miles right now; your body is not used to that. Start small, like walking to the store instead of driving.

    Logging: don't worry if you forget something one day. Just add it in the next day (I have had to do this occasionally).

    But don't give up! :D

  • Kgerber777
    Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
    You have to learn to walk before you can run. Maybe take this literally? Start going for evening walks with your son. This will help both of you sleep, give u some bonding time, and give u a workout that will not make u soar. After a while u can alternate walking and running for a better burn.

    Also remember this is a lifestyle change. I give myself a cheat day once a week. This helps give me something to look forward to and makes me feel like I'm not missing out on anything.

    I think the first month is the hardest because your body is still adjusting to the new life style and is still craving the food it is used to. It does get noticeably easier you just have to form new habits and give your body time.

    But most importantly remember why you are doing this. Everyone has there reasons: for their kids, to be healthy, and so on.

    Best of luck!!! (*)
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    My advice is one thing at a time.

    While exercise is great, if you have health issues like knee pain, you really need to see doctors before you start any exercise program.

    Get used to logging your food daily. Portion control with your calories is how you lose weight.
    STUPID_GOPHER Posts: 37 Member
    you don't have to kill yourself at the gym.......most people think you do......even 3days a week is good.......its really about calories in terms of losing weight
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP. I know how you feel as I am there right now. This site is great and the people are very helpful. Get a good scale and weigh and log everything, drink lots of water and start slow with the exercise. Start with walking and build from there. We are here to help, feel free to add me.
  • vecchi
    vecchi Posts: 23
    Don't give up,just get the eating right first,the exercising can happen later,walking first,building up to it as you lose weight and get fitter it will become easier,make sure you warm up before doing any exercising and do stretches when finishing any thing even walking this helps with feeling sore the next day,as you get fitter it becomes easier,don't give up,you are stronger than you think
  • mirandahorton
    mirandahorton Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in your situation too, and exercise is hard as i have back issues and constant back pain. Start with your diet and a walk around the block. You might not loose 10lbs in a week but you will slowly feel better. I like to listen to audio books while i walk, I get distracted by the book and forget i was even walking.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I would be patient. It is going to take time. 1-2 pounds a week seems slow but is a good steady rate.
    Make logging a habit first. I find it helpful to plan my meals and pre-log my whole day the night before or in the morning so I can make better choices as I see how things fit my goals.
    Drink mostly water. Save you calories for food. Drink water with meals or snacks to eat more slowly.
    Don't cut out all the foods you like- just reduce portion sizes of higher calorie foods.
    You don't have to start out doing intensive exercise. You can walk or do a chair based workout for 20 to 30 minutes and improve your physical condition. Over time you will be able to do more. Eat back about half your exercise calories if you like.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I am older than you and have OA--for a long time it seems. You can't let pain get the better of you. You have to figure away around it. The poster who mentioned swimming was on track. That's what I've been doing for 20 yrs, along with acqua-gym, and it's very helpful when you have joint pain. Also, as others have said, start easy. Walking is good. Start at half an hour a day for the first week and every week after, up your time by another half hour. When you feel better, try cycling, or get a gym membership. Log consistently and you'll see the difference in a month. Hope you are successful. :)